Page 31 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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Canaan wanted to take her into his arms and hold her tight. He wanted to erase all the hurt she had been through, but all he could do now was make her smile and hope it was enough.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Canaan announced.

“Oh? Is my name being cleared?” The hope on her face nearly undid him.

“Shit, I shouldn’t have said it like that. I didn’t mean to give you hope.”

She waved him away. “I was joking, Canaan. You’re good, and so is Rylee, but I’m not naive enough to believe it will be easy to get rid of this problem.” She smiled and patted his arms.

The touch sent awareness coursing through his veins. His skin heated while his wolf howled in his mind. There was no controlling the noise in his head until Elizabeth dropped her hand.

“So? What’s this surprise?”

“We’re going somewhere special tonight.”

Her eyes went round as she gasped. “What? Is it safe for me to leave the house?”

He nodded. “Oh, yeah. We’re going to an actual compound.”

Elizabeth’s wide eyes narrowed to slits. “That’s not terrifying at all.”

He threw his head back with a laugh. “You’ll understand when we get there.”

“Do I get to know where we’re going?”

“Nope. All I’m telling you is that you’ll love it.”

“You’ve been single way too long if you think a woman likes this kind of surprise. How am I supposed to know what to wear? Are we going in the woods? Are we going in public?”

“What does it matter?”

She rolled her eyes and grinned. “How do I know what to wear? What kind of shoes to put on?”

“You don’t have that many clothes,” he edged.

“Sure I do. Rylee brought me more than enough to have choices.”

“Wear something you can game in,” he replied.

“Game. Right.” Her suspicious tone made him grin.

“I’m serious,” Canaan insisted. “It’s super low key.”

“You’re a millionaire recluse saving my life. I think we have different versions of low key,” Elizabeth called over her shoulder as she made her way to her bedroom.

When she returned a few moments later, Canaan had to remind himself that she was vulnerable and definitely not looking for a relationship.

But, fuck, did she look good.

Her light pink leggings were paired with a long white tunic that showed off her curves. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and make her feel better in a more physical way.

Get yourself under control,he chided himself.This isn’t the time.

Canaan led her outside as she continued to pester him with questions, but he wouldn’t relent. “Just have faith that this is going to be good for you.” He opened the truck door for her and helped her up. When he settled behind the wheel, he explained. “We’re going to the airstrip. It’s only a few miles from here.”

“I’m sorry, did you just sayairstrip?”

“Well, yeah. I don’t like flying the chopper so close to the house. It bends the trees and damages them.”
