Page 33 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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Soon enough, the trees broke to reveal a house similar to Canaan’s. A modern structure that was large and imposing but full of windows to see the trees. She was taking it all in when she spotted someone … a tall man she knew only from the silver screen.

“What the fuck?” she shouted loudly over the roar of the machine.

She barely heard Canaan’s laughter, but soon enough, he stopped the vehicle in front of the massive home and the Hollywood star who surely owned it.

“Elizabeth, welcome to Kyle Carson’s home,” Canaan said.

“You brought me to hishouse?” she hissed.

“Yeah. I didn’t tell him all the details, but I did warn him that you were going through some stuff, and he agreed to help out by offering some diversion.”

“And so, what? You just take a helicopter over whenever you feel like playing with your buddy?” her words were harsher than she intended them. “Sorry, but honestly? Rich people are wild,” she whispered. “What is my life?”

Canaan laughed, shaking his head. “We just have to get creative about meeting up.”

“Well, sure. Half the world would die to know where Kyle Carson lives,” she grumbled. “By the way, next time you take me to meet Hollywood royalty, be more specific. I am sonotwearing the right clothes for this.”

“But we’re gaming,” Canaan said. “I wanted you to be comfortable.”

Her mouth dropped down. “Are you telling me we’re here to playFantasy Warriors?”

He shook his head, grinning like a kid with a secret. “Not quite.” He took her hand in his, and her breath caught. Elizabeth was always very careful at keeping her hands off Canaan.

And with good reason. Whenever she did touch him, she felt like her entire body was on fire. How was she supposed to pretend that she didn’t have a crush on him when she blushed whenever they touched?

But Canaan laced their fingers together, completely unaware of the effect it had on her, and guided her to Kyle’s back porch.

“Hey, man,” he said. “This is Elizabeth.”

“Hey, Elizabeth. I’m Kyle.” He held out his hand for her to shake.

“I know who you are,” she replied. “When you said Red Wizard, I didn’t think you meanttheRed Wizard.”

“I prefer to go by Kyle,” the actor laughed. “Welcome to my home.”

“This is wild,” she whispered, more to herself, but both men laughed.

“I’m just some guy who played a role,” Kyle said. “If that helps.”

“Sure. It helps,” she lied.

Canaan’s hand was still locked with hers, and though her throat was dry and her heart was hurting from beating with such speed, Elizabeth didn’t want to let go. She was sure that if he did let go, she would float away or wake up from the weirdest fever dream ever.

“How did you two even get so close as to have a helipad connecting your homes?” she marveled when she could form a sentence.

“Kyle and I bonded over gaming when we met. And since then, we’ve been developing our own game.”

Her eyes went wide. “You two arecreatinga game?”

“Yeah. It’s similar toFantasy Warriors, but only because it’s also quest-based,” Kyle explained.

“Hey, Elizabeth. How ya doing?” Rylee asked, coming out of the house with a few beers in her hands.


“Yup.” She snuggled into Kyle’s side.

“You’re married to Kyle?” Elizabeth shook her head in disbelief.
