Page 34 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Sure am. No one knows, of course. My career can’t take the media attention, and the PR folks prefer to keep the rumors that Kyle is single. They can match him with whatever starlet they like.”

“Don’t you get jealous?” she blurted before thinking better of it.

“Oh. All the fucking time, but my man knows who keeps his bed warm.” Rylee winked at Kyle.

“I sure do, love,” Kyle kissed her cheek. “I hate it, but Hollywood is fake as shit. If only I could stop acting and focus on game development.” He nodded. “That’s the dream.”

Elizabeth blew out a breath and shook her head. “I really don’t understand my life anymore. I went from being a boring IT analyst to an on-the-run accused spy to …” She shook her head. “Whatever it is to schmooze with you all.”

Rylee giggled. “You’ll get used to it. It’s a wolf thing.”

“A wolf thing?” Elizabeth asked, confused.

Rylee rolled her eyes. “Yeah.”

“Easy, love,” Kyle warned. “Let’s get inside, shall we?”

“I’ll leave you to it. I have a brief to go over,” Rylee kissed her husband before returning to the house.

“She doesn’t game?”

Kyle sighed. “No. Rylee is the perfect woman with only one flaw. She doesn’t game. She does when she’s on holiday, but she prefers to spend her free time away from tech during cases.”

“Come on,” Canaan placed his hand on her back. “You’ll love this.” He led her inside Kyle’s home and down to the basement. It was decorated in a fanboy level that rivaled Canaan’s house.

“I don’t know what the hell is happening,” she kept repeating.

Kyle thought it was hilarious, but Canaan shot her wary glances. “Should I have warned you?” he whispered in her ear.

She shook her head. “No. Probably not. I wouldn’t have believed you, or I wouldn’t have gotten into the helicopter.”

He chuckled. “Well, now that you’re here, do you want to play the game we’re designing?”

Elizabeth took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Her life had stopped making sense six months ago, and maybe it was about time for her to just accept that it would never make sense again.

“What’s the game called?” she asked.

“Blood Wolves,” Kyle and Canaan said at the same time.

“Oh!” she gasped. “That’s your screen name!”

“Yup.” He queued up the game on a series of screens. “The premise is that the main character is a wolf who must defend his lands.”

“An actual wolf?”

“Well, no. A man who can transform into a wolf at will.”

“You really have a thing for wolves, huh?” she teased.

Kyle choked on his beer as he laughed. She frowned in confusion, suddenly aware that she was missing something. So much for suspending disbelief. “Are there any female characters in this game?”

“Sure are,” Kyle laughed. “Rylee might not be a big gamer, but when we told her about our plan, she was pretty insistent that we add enough female options for girl gamers.”

“Well, weareseriously under-represented,” she said.

Elizabeth flipped through the options for characters. She could be a white wolf with healing powers, or she could be a tawny wolf with moon powers. She didn’t exactly know what that meant, but the wolf reminded her of the one she had seen in Canaan’s woods. She clicked on it without hesitation.

“I’m ready,” she said as she typed in her usual screen name.
