Page 35 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Queen_Luna, huh?” Kyle chuckled. “How appro …”

“Shut it,” Canaan growled.

And once again, Elizabeth knew she was missing something.



Canaan’s insides were all twisted as he explained the game he and Kyle were developing. A big part of him … the geek part … was terrified that Elizabeth would turn her nose up at the concept.

His fear was only a testament to how much he liked her. He rarely let people into this side of his life, but he should have known that his mate would be cool about it.

“You designed this?” Elizabeth blinked at the screen.

The wolf graphics were the best out there, thanks to Kyle, who was something of an artist. The game’s visuals were coming along nicely, and soon, they would be able to pitch the completed game. In an overabundance of caution, Canaan preferred to play the game a bunch of times. He’d rather postpone Blood Wolves’ release to the big world if it meant their product was as perfect as could be.

“We did, yeah,” Canaan answered. “What do you think?”

“This is really cool. Let’s run through a quest before I give my final verdict, though,” she winked at him teasingly.

Kyle noticed and wiggled his brows over at him. Canaan gave a discreet head shake. His buddy understood right then and there that Elizabeth didn’t know who she was to him.

As Rylee’s mate, Kyle would have guessed that only Canaan’s mate would get to see this side of him. His best friend was smart like that, and for a human, he had taken really well to life amongst wolves. He even embraced the game’s theme, thinking it was hilarious to be so obvious and sneaky about the Wolverton family secret.

With Elizabeth’s help in the quest, Canaan noticed a few plot holes he wanted to fix. “I think we need to increase the difficulty if the team is bigger than a duo,” he mumbled to himself.

Kyle snorted. “That would be a whole bunch of code. There goes our goal of release this year.”

“It wouldn’t be that big of a deal,” Elizabeth commented, not breaking stride on the screen as she battled another wolf.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, you could have a bypass in the storyline. As soon as a third person joins, it sets up the same quest, but maybe with more enemies. I could write that algo for you. No problem.”

Be still, my heart.

“Sexier words have never been spoken,” he blurted. He clamped his mouth shut, his neck heating over with shame.Smooth. Real smooth.

Elizabeth giggled and shook her head. “Hardly. It’s what I do, remember?”

“Would you do it? Help us?” he asked. “We would give you credit, of course. And pay you for your time.”

She pursed her lips at him. “Yeah? And will you let me pay rent while I’m staying with you?” She batted her eyes at him, waiting for him to answer, but he was speechless. “That’s what I thought. I’ll do it as a thank you.”

“No way,” Kyle cut in. “You need to be credited for your work. Trust me. I did a lot of the art forFantasy Warriors, and they didn’t credit me.”

“What? Why not?” she gasped.

He shrugged. “I didn’t think they would use it. They were my college roommates, and I thought they were buddies. They used me.”

“I bet Rylee loved that.”

Kyle laughed. “I wasn’t with her yet. I only met her during the filming of the first movie. But she did threaten to sue everyone involved with the game.”

Elizabeth laughed. “I guess that explains why she doesn’t like what happened to me.”

“Man, intellectual property theft is so common nowadays. It’s sad, really.”
