Page 36 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Preach,” Elizabeth said.

They continued the quest, and every now and then, Elizabeth would make a suggestion. Canaan took each to heart. She understood what made a good game, and she had enough experience to spot any flaw he and Kyle were too close to notice.

When the sun was starting to go down, Rylee barged into the room. “Are you almost done in here? A girl has got to eat.”

“Oh, I lost track of time,” Elizabeth blushed. “This game is so fun. You guys are definitely onto something. Is there anything I can help you with, Rylee?”

Rylee smirked. “If you think I want to cook after a long day of work, you’re insane. My man is richer than god, and so is my family. If that can’t buy me some luxuries, then I don’t see the point,” Rylee said. “So, yeah. We have a personal chef on staff.”

She shrugged. “I used to feel really guilty about it, but when Kyle is filming, we get so little time together. Neither one of us wants to spend that precious time doing house chores.”

Canaan grinned. He could tell that Elizabeth didn’t agree, but she had too much tack to say as much. “What has the chef prepared for us tonight?”

“Steaks,” Rylee grinned. “What else?” The cook knew he was working for a wolf shifter. Only Elizabeth didn’t know, and keeping the secret from her was getting harder and harder.

* * *

A few hours later,once Canaan had flown them back to his compound, he could tell that Elizabeth was feeling better. Her shoulders weren’t as tense, and she was smiling. He’d been right to take her to Kyle’s. She fit perfectly into his life and got along with his best friend and his sister. It would be so easy to be with her. There wouldn’t be any jealousy over a computer screen or grumblings about how boring it was at his compound.

Elizabeth truly fit.

He was already dreading the day she would walk out of his life to return to her reality. But for now, he would soak up as much time with her as possible. “Did you have a good day?”

Elizabeth smiled at him. “Yeah, I did, actually. It was the best day I had in a long time. Probably ever. Thanks for doing that, Canaan. I know I was giving you some shit earlier, but only because I was in shock.”

He grinned. “So long as you had a good time.”

“I needed to feel like me again. I think I feel stronger. Does that make sense?”

“Sure, it does. You’ve been through a lot. I don’t just mean with Jordan. Even before that. All that stuff with your mom? It was a hard life, Elizabeth. You might not want to hear it, but it’s true. I was blessed with a good family. Sure, they drive me insane, but I’m lucky to have them. I wish I could give you that.”

The admission was probably too close to the truth. Too close to what he actually wanted with Elizabeth. He couldn’t keep a lid on it. Not tonight. Not after spending the day with her and his best friend, playing a game they had designed.

Especially now that he could clearly see how easily Elizabeth fit into his life.

“I should go to bed,” she whispered. “Thanks again for today.” She lifted herself onto her toes and kissed his cheek.

His breath caught at the soft touch, and he was powerless against it. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist, crushing her against him. She came willingly, her lips still on his cheek. “Canaan,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

“Something I shouldn’t,” he growled back. He tipped her head back and sealed his lips to hers.

The kiss was soft at first, but he needed more. He needed all of her. He was desperate to taste Elizabeth. On a moan, she parted her lips, giving him permission to slip his tongue in and out. It was a sweet exploration, burning up his good sense. His hands traveled around to her ass, and he pressed her even deeper into his embrace. Her arms went around his neck, and she pressed her breasts into him. He deepened the kiss before nipping her lower lip.

Elizabeth pulled away, dazed. “Oh,” she gasped, covering her mouth. “Shit. I shouldn’t have done that.”

He shook his head. “I’m the one who kissed you.”

“I didn’t stop you.”

“Did you want to stop me?” he asked, his heart in his throat as he waited for the answer.

“No,” she admitted, looking away.

He took her chin with his fingers and lifted her head to look into her eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that since before I even met you.”

She licked her lips. “But it’s a bad idea.”

“I know,” he nodded. “Fuck, do I know. But, Queenie, I don’t think I can stop myself.” With every word, he leaned closer and closer to her until he could kiss her again. This time, the kiss wasn’t soft or sweet.
