Page 40 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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He knew that when Elizabeth couldn’t sleep, she stood by the window, watching the moon through the forest. He’d spotted her the night before, for fuck’s sake. Had he been caught on purpose?No.But he definitely wasn’t careful enough. Now, Elizabeth knew everything.

About his wolf.

That she was his mate.

This wasn’t how he wanted to reveal who he was and what she was to him. It was too much, too soon, and he wouldn’t blame Elizabeth if she ran and refused to see him ever again.

The mere thought of never kissing her again, of never holding her, made his stomach roll with angry nausea.

There was only one thing he needed.

A good run in the woods.


He walked right out of the computer bay and took off at a run through the thick trees, letting his paws hit the ground as he increased his speed. He needed to fill his ears with the rush of wind and the nocturnal animals hunting their breakfasts.

Elizabeth knew.

She knew, and she hadn’t exactly taken kindly to the news. He shouldn’t have told her. He could have made something up.

No. You wanted to be honest with her because of her past. You did the right thing. She’ll come around. You’ll see.

Canaan and his wolf didn’t share the same opinion. The beast was too optimistic. There was no way Elizabeth would agree to be with him. He could already tell she would push him away. The second she could return to her normal life, she would. She would leave him.

And then where would he be? All alone in his compound.

Before he had met her, he didn’t mind the lone wolf vibe. Helikedit.

But that was before Elizabeth, now …

She’d only just come into his life, but he didn’t know how he would cope when she left. He liked sharing the computer bay with her. He liked gaming into the night and sharing a meal with her. He liked chatting about nothing and everything. He was attached to her.

Hell, if he was really honest, he was in love with her already.

Canaan was sure he would love her even if she weren’t his mate. Elizabeth Mooney was a good woman. She was fun to be around, and she was smart and kind. She was funny and sweet. She was his gaming queen. His Queenie.

The moon to his wolf.

There is a simple solution if you don’t want to let her go. Seduce her. Make her fall in love with you. Don’t let her shut you out. Show her how good it could be between you.

Canaan let his wolf’s words sink in. Could he do that? Could it even be done without pushing Elizabeth away?

He didn’t exactly have the greatest track record with women. He hadn’t ever been in a long-term relationship. Sure, there had been a couple of girlfriends over the years. But both his high school girlfriendandGinny had resented that he spent all of his time in front of a screen.

Elizabeth didn’t give him grief for that. Nope. She sat right beside him, and often, she was better than him.

She really was the perfect woman.

Now, he only had to provehewas the perfect man for her.

* * *

After spendinga few hours in the woods, Canaan tried to get some sleep, but by six in the morning, he gave up. There would be no rest until he found a way to end Elizabeth’s trouble once and for all.

He sat in front of the computer and read through all the information he’d gathered on Jordan. There was nothing special about the guy. He’d been an average student through high school and college. It wasn’t even clear why a company like EELS would hire him. He wasn’t exactly the typical person to work for a tech firm.

With a few more keystrokes, Canaan hacked into EELS’s system to learn more about Jordan’s employee file. It didn’t take much effort, given his level of skill.
