Page 41 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Hang on,” he whispered, sitting up a little straighter in his computer chair. The screen was filled with Jordan’s personnel file. It wasn’t exactly legal for Canaan to hack into the company’s mainframe, but EELS wasn’t playing fair. Why should he? His mate’s life was on the line.

EELS had Jordan’s transcripts from college and his degree, but they didn’t match what Canaan had dug up.

One of the sets of documents was a lie. A forgery. And he could take an educated guess as to which was a pure fabrication. Jordanhadn’tgraduated from Harvard with a 3.9 GPA, but someone sure had made it look that way.

He grabbed his phone and texted Rylee.Got info on the scumbag ex. Could change everything.

The device began to vibrate in his hand with an incoming call from his sister. “You’re pulling a Wilder,” he teased.

“Whatever. I don’t feel like texting back and forth. I’m too tired for that.” Rylee did sound a bit haggard.

“Is everything okay?”

“Oh, just fine. What did you find? It better be good. It isn’t even seven a.m.”

He grinned. “It is.” Canaan gave her a quick rundown of his findings.

“Well, well. Jordan is a liar, through and through. But this doesn’t help me with his motive. Why did he want to work for EELS? It’s not like they’re that big of a company. They’re not even big enough to be one of Blood Moon Agency’s rivals in the protection business.”

“Maybe that’s the motive,” he offered.

“What does Elizabeth think about all this?” Rylee wasn’t convinced.

Canaan stiffened. “She doesn’t know.”

“Oh? Why the fuck not? I’d think learning her ex was a liar abouteverythingwould be a relief to her.”

“We’re not exactly on speaking terms right now …” he mumbled.

Rylee sighed. “What did you do?”

“Why do you assume I’m the one who did something?”

“Because you’ve got a cock, and cocks often cock up. See what I did there?”

He sighed and rubbed a hand back through his hair. “Rylee …”

“Let me guess. You made a move. It was way too soon for her.”

“I didn’t … “ He groaned. “We did kiss, but that’s not when things took a turn.”

“Oh?” she chuckled. “When?”

“She saw me shifting from my wolf to my human form.”

Rylee whistled low before laughing. “You really know how to step in it, baby bro.”

“That’s not all,” he grumbled bitterly. “She knows she’s my mate.”

“Well, at least now she knows. Keeping that from her was never a good idea. She’ll come around.”

He snorted in disbelief. “How can you be so sure? She’s really mad.”

“A woman knows,” she simply said. “Besides, I saw the way she looked at you. That girl is smitten. Give her time. It’ll all work out. If I can fall for a total nerd like Kyle, you’ve got a shot.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“Chin up, baby bro. Go tell your girl about Jordan’s lies, and see if it sparks anything in her mind about the company. Any luck tracking down the girlfriend?”
