Page 12 of Reckless Abandon

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He can’t be serious. Of course I’m going to miss him. His presence alone brings a smile to my face.

“I guess I’m just hesitant about change. Everything is going to be different come fall. I’m going away to college. You’ll be out in L.A. Eli and Maddie will both be gone.”

“Change is scary, but you know I’m only a phone call away.”

“I’m going to miss you so fucking much,” I say as tears well in my eyes.

“Lo, please don’t cry… shit, come here.” Wes clears the plates out of our way and motions for me to sit in his lap. I crawl my way across the blanket and nuzzle myself into his chest as his arms wrap around me.

I let out a deep sigh. This, this right here is what I’m going to miss.

We sit in silence for quite some time. Wes rubs small circles on my back as I relish in the feel of his rising chest while mindlessly tracing the logo design on his tee.

“What were you going to say earlier before Quinn interrupted us?” I ask, glancing up at him when I realize he's no longer rubbing my back. There’s a look in his eyes I can’t quite place.

“You said I mean something to you…”

“Of course you mean something to me, Lo. You know that. More than just a friend, I can’t help but be pulled into the aura that surrounds you. I want it to consume me, just like thoughts ofyouhave consumed me ever since last year.”

Remaining quiet for a few moments, I let his words sink in.Iconsumehisthoughts. He thinks ofme.Before I respond, Wes speaks up again.

“You know, I’m going to miss this too, my little Thea. I’m just—I’m just so tired of holding back,” Wes says as he gently caresses my cheek with his hand. Swallowing hard, I’m unsure of where this is going or what I should be doing. My eyes are stuck, totally stuck, on his completely gorgeous and stupidly perfect face.

With a whisper, I ask, “Why Thea?” His eyes fill with emotion. “You know, I looked it up after the lake last year because I had to know.” He nods, knowing how inquisitive my mind is. He probably suspected I had looked it up.

“I was even more confused when I saw that Thea is the Goddess of Light. I couldn’t figure out what that had to do with me. Wes, why do you call me that?”

Wes’s eyes search mine as he takes a deep breath. “There are several reasons. But yes, you are right, she is the Goddess of Light… more specifically, the shining blue light of the sky, just like your beautiful eyes,” he says, running the back of his knuckles down the side of my face. “Sloan, I don’t think you really understand the way you glow… your heart and mind are something special. This is why so many people flock to you. They want to be your friend and feel like they can immediately talk to you. Have you never noticed how you draw others in?” Shaking my head, I swallow hard and choke down my fear that this is all an illusion. Well, if this is a dream or if I’m manifesting all of this, I certainly know where I would like it to go and that involves his glorious naked body and my bed. He leans in closer, pressing our foreheads together, and sighs.

We stay there for a minute, just absorbing the other’s feelings. The background noise of the party fades away as the beat of our hearts fills the air. My body is tingling in anticipation and right as I’m about to tell him to just fucking kiss me, I feel his soft lips connect with mine. He groans and tightens his grip on the back of my neck as my tongue tentatively swipes his. Wes quickly shifts our position so his body is now draped over mine. I melt under his touch; he has turned my body into mush. The sheer strength of his muscular body on top of mine has me wet and ready to spread my legs right here on my front lawn.

Fuck… my front lawn, as in where everyone can see us. It seems we both realize this at the same time and abruptly break apart.

“Shit, we need to get out of here,” I say, while quickly scrambling to stand. Reaching out my hand, I help him up while he just stares at me with fire in his eyes. Once Wes is finally standing, I giggle as he adjusts the large bulge in his pants.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything just because I’m standing here… um… like this.” He makes a swift motion with his arm over his massive erection.

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been baiting you all night, big guy.” I wink, and he smiles, taking my hand as we make our way towards the house. We’re steps away from my front door when he drops my hand abruptly. Just as I’m about to complain, I hear the drunken slurs of our friends.

“Yooo Zeus, we’re setting up the pong table you down… or are you busy?” I turn to see Braydon, Quinn’s brother, grinning like a fool at the two of us.Did he see us?

Wes looks at me, well aware we were almost caught again. I nod my head towards our friends emerging from the side of the house, pong supplies in hand.

“We’re in, but I’m on Wes’s team. We’re going to kick your ass.” I smile, knowing damn well the last thing I want is to play beer pong.

We follow the group toward the tent, where a table is set up in the center. A decent sized crowd fills the space and I let out a deep sigh.

Looking up to the sky, I question why we can't ever get our timing right. Will our stars ever align? I guess we have all summer to find out.


Then- 8 years ago

“I’m taking Queenie out for a sunset ride on the boat… she thinks she can land a better flip than me on her new wakeboard,” Eli says as he and Q walk into the kitchen.

Sloan and I are currently grubbing down on some lasagna her mom made before she went home yesterday. Even though it's the Turners’ home, our parents take turns coming up to make sure we aren’t doing too much dumb shit.

“Okay, you guys want some food before you head out?” I don’t even attempt to ask him why he didn’t invite us to go…I know exactly why.But that’s okay, because this time it benefits me too.
