Page 31 of Reckless Abandon

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We enjoyed a light lunch as we laughed at the couples attempting the row boats. The majority of them looked like they weren’t having the best of times. We started to take bets on how long each new boat would last out on the water. See, the thing with row boats is that it seems like a good time in theory, then once you’re out on the water in the sun straining to row, everything goes to shit. In most cases, only one partner is really gung-ho about the expedition and the other pouts and is pissed at the fact that they need to exert energy. I know it’s not nice to laugh at another's misfortune, but they put themselves in that position and it served as free lunchtime entertainment.

After lunch, we wandered around the park’s trails, taking in the beautiful fall foliage and landscapes. It’s crazy to think that something so beautiful can be found smack dab in the middle of the concrete jungle that is Manhattan. A walking tour that would’ve only taken us an hour was extended due to Wes’s obsession with dragging me into coves and little hideaways to make out like teenagers. In the last hideaway, I was tempted to do a quick slip of my skirt and put an end to his torturous teasing. A girl can only take so much before her resolve snaps.

Since our stroll through Central Park took longer than we had anticipated, we agreed to grab a treat and sit on the famous TKTS bleachers in Times Square. I love people watching. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Probably explains some of my kinks as well.

Sitting on the top bench, we cuddle up close, Wes wrapping his arm around my lower back, putting his strong hand on my hip, pulling me as snug as he can get me into his side. We share the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever tasted. It’s a simple vanilla with chocolate fudge chunks swirled throughout, topped with fresh strawberries, whipped-cream, and hot-fudge. I moan when the first bite enters my mouth.

“Keep that up and we won’t make it home,” Wes whispers into my ear.

“Mmm… promise?” I practically purr in response.

He lowers his hand from my hip to my thigh and starts to slowly draw circles with his fingers. With each circle, his hand gets closer and closer to the junction of my thighs. Turning to face his body, I pull him in for a kiss. His free hand grips the back of my head, deepening our connection. It’s a heady combination of his delicious mouth, sweet with the lingering taste of our shared ice cream and his intoxicating scent. It’s masculine and woodsy and something that I need to bottle up, so I have it with me at all times.

With that thought, my mind wanders. What are we going to do when this weekend is over? I live in L.A. for now, and his life is here in New York. I mean, we can take turns flying to see one another, but will that work? How can anyone be in a serious relationship from opposite sides of the country?Fuck me, why is this so hard?It’s times like these I wish I was as good at asking for advice as I am at giving it. Right now, I could really use one of my girls to help sort through my thoughts with me.

Noticing I’m distracted, Wes pulls back to look at my face, lacing our fingers together. “Is everything okay, babe?” he says with concern in his eyes.

“Yes, everything is truly perfect. Thank you for such a wonderful day.” I share a smile that I hope will convey how happy I truly am while concealing the turmoil racing through my head.

“Hey, how about we go home and get cleaned up for dinner? You can take a soak in that tub I know you’ve had your eyes on.”

That’s exactly what I need. Time to relax and think of a plan. A plan that involves the future for the two of us.

“That sounds absolutely perfect!” I give him a chaste kiss and stand to head down the bleachers, keeping his fingers threaded with mine as we make our way down. This right here is what I’ve always envisioned. I can’t imagine going back to a time when his hand wasn’t in mine.

* * *

A knockon the door interrupts my daze. Currently soaking in a tub fit for a queen with bubbles swirling all around me, I am the epitome of relaxed when Wes walks in carrying a glass of champagne.

“You truly are one of a kind, aren’t you?” I smile at him while gliding my hand through the massive bubble clusters. I may have overdone it on the bubble mixture, but I felt like a kid in a candy store when I found Wes’s bath stash.

“I’d do anything to keep that smile on your face.” He leans down, handing me the glass, and kisses my forehead.

He grabs my hand that's wrapped around the champagne flute, admiring the crown etched into my skin.

“Are you going to tell me what this is about? You didn’t have it at Christmas.”

Grabbing his hand that's tracing the delicate lines, I smile at him and confess, “You’re always with me, Wes, no matter what life throws at us. I hoped one day we’d find our way back to each other, and this right here is a reminder of that.”

“Fuck baby, I knew our day would come, but to have you right here—”

Cutting off his words, I reach for the collar of his shirt and pull his lips to mine, needing to feel them. I don't need his words to tell me what my heart has always felt.

Breaking away, Wes stands and stares at my naked body soaking amongst the bubbles.

“You look so fucking gorgeous right now Lo, I’m not sure if we even need dinner. I think I’m good right here,” he says as he grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head before going for the button on his jeans.

“Oh, no you don’t!” I proclaim while sticking my foot out, blocking his advancements. His hands stop and remain on the waist of his jeans. His eyes plead with mine.

“No?” He smirks.

“Nope! If you get in here now, there is no way we’ll make it to dinner. I need fuel if we’re going to have a repeat of last night.” Giving him a sly wink for emphasis.

He growls in response. Actually growls. “You kill me, you know that? Sitting there all wet and sexy as fuck. You expect me to walk away from this right now?” He motions with his arms to my naked form in the tub.

“Yes Mr. King, I do.” I laugh at his incredulous expression.

“Fine! But you’ll pay for this, my little Thea, and I can’t wait for you to beg me to stop.”
