Page 48 of Reckless Abandon

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When he’s done, he pulls out of my mouth and grips my chin, staring into my eyes. “You are so fucking perfect.”

I smile and rise to my feet, practically preening at his praise, then turn my head to look at the window of the room. He wasn’t lying. There are three couples out there observing us. I lean up and kiss Wes on the lips.

“Let’s go home handsome. I want to join the Miles High Club.”

“Isn’t it mile high club?” he questions as he pulls up his pants.

“Yeah, something like that.” I giggle and wink at him, grab his hand, and walk to the door. “Come on, we have a plane to catch.”


After a hell of an adventure at the classiest exotic club I have ever been to and the hottest blow job of my life, the night just kept getting better. That plane ride home was out of this world. She wasn’t lying when she said she had plans for us. You’re now looking at the newest members of the Mile High Club. Needless to say, we’re both exhausted this morning… I finally drag my lazy ass out of Lo’s bed so I can cook my girl some breakfast.

Just when I have the bacon almost perfectly crispy, I feel two small hands come from behind me and rub up my torso to grab onto my pecs. I drop the fork I was flipping with, whip around, and grab Lo’s perfect handfuls. She giggles and slaps me on the arm.

“Hey fuck boy, they are sore from last night. Watch out.”

“First off, who you calling Fuck Boy? You grabbed my tits first, so it's only fair that I get to cop a feel.”

She gives me a sly look and says, “Okay true, normally I wouldn’t complain, but I’m sore in all the right places after our multiple trips topound townsince you got here.”

Kissing her neck softly, I whisper, “Pound town, huh?”

“Yeah,” she says breathlessly. “My favorite author ever, TL Swan, has two characters that go to pound town together… often. It used to be my material when using my toys before you came back into my life.” She even uses her fingers for air quotes regarding her “material,” which makes me chuckle.

“Well, I’m glad I can be of assistance now. You’ll have to read to me about this pound town some time to make it interesting. But first… bacon,” I say as I turn off the stove.

Sloan leans around me, eye fucking the food. “Ooo yesss, we need the fuel for the fun day I have planned for us.”

She goes to get us some plates and as she opens the cabinet, Lo looks over at me with playful mischief in her eyes. “Even though I used those hot books to get me going, there was always one particular green-eyed, olive-skinned guy I couldn’t help but picture to finish what I started.”

Letting out a low groan… I stalk over to her as she sets the plates down. Picking her up she instinctively wraps her legs around my hips. “Saying things like that does something to a man, my little Thea, go ahead and push our plans back by an hour.”

* * *

“Dang girl,don’t choke on that thing,” I say to Lo, earning me my second playful smack of the day.

We just sat down to eat the hotdogs from the stand we found while skating along the boardwalk at Venice beach.

“Shut up Wes, I’m starving since bacon was the only thing I had time to eat becausesomeonemade us late for our rollerblade rental.” She slyly smirks before taking another bite of her hotdog. Watching her mouth open up for it…nope, dick calm down.

“Hey, I didn’t hear you complaining in between screaming my name,” I say, slightly lifting my hips off the bench to adjust my pants.

She rolls her eyes. “Ughh, you’re lucky I love you.”

My heart stutters at her words. “Say it again,” I whisper. We both know the love we have for each other, the love that was created all those years ago, but hearing it now after all the ups and downs will never get old.

She looks at me curiously but then realizes what I’m asking. A beautiful, sweet smile graces her face. “I love you, Wesley King.” She continues, “Actually, as we were skating along the boardwalk, I was thinking about the first time I realized I loved you.”

“Oh yeah, tell me about it, baby.”

She looks at me tenderly and pulls her foot up on the bench so her knee is closer to us. “Do you remember the day I got this scar?”

I nod. Moving my hand to gently caress the scar I know all too well. “Yes, I remember very clearly, because you got hurt and scared the shit out of me. Of course, Eli and Quinn were racing and flew past us. I don’t remember where Maddie was, but I do remember you wanted to catch up with the others, so you told me to come on. But then you hit something in the road and fell down.”

She speaks up, “Yep, I was looking at you and lost my balance because, like every girl, I had a crazy crush on you. Plus, it didn’t help that you were always so sweet to me, waiting on me when my competitive best friend and brother would go at it.”

“I was such an oblivious kid back then. I didn’t even realize what caused you to fall, I was just worried because you were bleeding a lot from where you scraped up your knees so badly. I knew you were trying to be so brave and not cry in front of me. I picked you up and carried you to your house. Your mom came to the rescue, and I held your hand while she poured peroxide on your knees. I remember thinking you were so tough to be so young.”
