Page 49 of Reckless Abandon

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She grabs my hand that’s still stroking her knee and squeezes it. “I have had you on a pedestal since way back then. But that day when you carried me and held my hand? I knew I was young, but I swear I felt some really big feelings for you that day.” She looks me in the eyes and gives me that smile that could break a thousand hearts. “So yes, that was the day I knew I loved Wesley King. It was also the day I decided we were destined to be together since Zeus was the god of lightning and thunder and here I was with the perfect symbolization of that etched into my body.”

Bending my head down, I place a soft kiss to the lightning bolt scar. “You weren’t wrong baby… it just took us a little longer than I would have liked to figure it out. I love you with every part of my soul, Thea.”

* * *

We’re cruising backto Lo’s place in her Jeep with all the windows out jamming to “La La Land” by Bryce Vines.

The song has Lo trailing off on a story about this epic weekend when she, Q, and Ava went to a music festival.

“But that was nothing, and I mean nothing compared to our Mexico trip where we officially deemed ourselves theTres Locas,” she says with a big smile.

“With you three I can only imagine. I remember how much trouble Quinn used to get you in and Ava seems to fit right in.” I love that she has such a good support group with her girls.

“I can’t imagine my life without them or Blossom… and their constant nonsense,” she says, pulling into a grocery store.

“What are we doing here? You don’t have to cook for us tonight.”

She smirks and opens her door.

“No, baby… I’m about to take you on another trip down memory lane.”

* * *

Tonight,she treated me to my two most favorite desserts ever.

Sloan’s sundae special.

Sloan’s pretty pussy.

I never thought I would like going to the grocery store but doing such a mundane thing with Sloan is even better than going to my favorite concert with anybody else.

We laughed, we joked, we embarrassed each other in front of other customers. She bought all the ingredients to recreate the sundaes she used to make us when we were teens.

They tasted like nostalgia and something I don’t ever want to go so long without having again.

The sex that came after felt a whole lot like making love. Just like that first night we were together in that ski chalet. Only this time I’m the one leaving the next day… even if I don’t want to.

Giving her a kiss on her neck, right where she likes it, I say, “You’re incredible… Do you know that?”

She picks up my head so that I’m looking in her eyes before she says, “No, this thing between us is what’s incredible. I have never felt so happy and loved in my life.”

“Being with you lights me up like nothing else can. You know I’ve always been a perfectionist, but with you I have never felt more perfect. Not in the sense that you and I as individuals won’t make mistakes—because the past nine years shows we will. But in the sense that we are perfectly made for one another. My Thea… my bright blue sky.”

“Wesley, I swear I don’t deserve you.”

“You deserve the world, baby.”

“I just want to be a part of your world.”

“You are my world and I plan to show you that every day for the rest of my life.”

I pull her into me, as close as humanly possible, dreading my flight home in a few short hours.


Blossom gently knocks on my door, interrupting the email I'm writing, flashing me her gorgeous smile when she enters the room.

“I know you’re probably dog-tired, but Mr. Layne’s assistant just called and wants you to come to New York asap to finalize the purchase. She said something about him needing to leave town and not wanting you to have to wait.” She half squeals, knowing this is big news after I just filled her in on how amazing my weekend was with Wes and our visit to the club in Vegas. The slight soreness between my legs today proves exactly how much Wes and I cherished every one of our moments before he had to go back to New York.
