Page 51 of Reckless Abandon

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It’s been three years of avoiding each other, but my heart still feels like it was just yesterday that I broke things off with him. It aches daily at the thought of his arms no longer embracing me, or his lips no longer kissing his favorite spot on my neck. I had no idea things would turn out like this…

We’ve barely been around each other during the past several years. Funny how we both find some excuse to feed to our parents as to why we can't attend our joint family functions. His modeling gigs serve as a foolproof reason and my determination to “do good” in school always does the trick.

Typically, I recruit Quinn to find out when it’s safe for me to show up, but for this particular trip she refused—saying we need to get our shit together or move on.

At first, I was pissed at her, but now… sitting here in this hot tub staring at the shirtless main character of my fantasies, I think I may have changed my mind.

Today felt like old times. My brother and best friend were competitive as hell on the ski slopes, per usual. Wes hung back with me, promising me he didn’t mind sticking to the Blue-Level runs instead of the Black-Diamonds that I know he can do with ease. Every time I fell, he was either right there to help me up or he would fall too, just so I wouldn’t look like a complete fool. We laughed so much my cheeks hurt, his gentle touches heating my snow chilled body. It was still so right between us… he’s still so perfectly Wes, and I want him to be mine so bad it hurts.

When we were on the ski lifts, riding back up the mountain with nothing else but the quiet of the snow falling, it was then that I could feel the undeniable pull between us was even stronger.

After dinner, our parents all passed out from day-drinking, so Quinnie, Eli, Wes, and I decided to try out the picturesque jacuzzi. It’s on the second level patio of the cabin and during the day it has a beautiful view of the snow-covered mountains.

Maddie and Brayden are also with us on the trip but are both off doing their own things.

My sister, not once, has given Wes a second glance the whole time she’s been here. Which honestly pisses me off even more. Three years have gone by and to my knowledge she’s never even tried to act on her feelings… So why can’t I?

That last question is laying heavy on my heart as the party of four turns into two now that Quinn and Eli excuse themselves to do god only knows what.

When Wesley’s hand grazes my knee, I can’t take much more. His subtle touches have been driving me insane all day. I grab his wrist that sits on my leg, my eyes searing into his… not saying a word. Hoping he can read my thoughts of how badly I want him. My toes are already tingling from the way I know he would make me feel.

Wes moves closer to me as he says, “I see that brain of yours thinking in overdrive… don’t babe, just be in this moment with me now.”

Pulling my bottom lip down with his thumb, he leans in and places an open mouth kiss right on the sweet spot of my neck… right where he knows I like it.

Because he hasn’t forgotten a thing about us. Just like I haven’t.

“Thea…” he says in an almost pleading voice. “I have missed you like I never knew I could miss anything in my life. Please, if you can’t give me anything else, just give me tonight. I know it won’t be enough, but the thought of never truly having you and feeling the connection I know we’ll create when I’m deep inside of you haunts my every waking moment.”

His words make me forget everything holding me back as I move onto his lap and press my lips into his. Not caring about anything other than feeling that connection he spoke of… I have longed for it every day since our last kiss three years ago. When our tongues collide, I’m reminded of exactly why I’ll never be able to just move on or recreate what I have with Wes with anyone else. The energy that courses through me as I melt into his touch is addicting.

This kiss is filled with desire, and so much more. Proving to me a fact I already knew deep down… I am still very much in love with Wesley King.

In my lusty haze, I barely even register what's happening before Wesley grabs onto my ass, carrying me out of the hot tub. He wraps a towel around me and then one around his waist. Grabbing my hand, he leads us inside and over to his room.

I waste no time… knowing exactly what I want. My towel falls to the ground and I shimmy my wet bathing suit bottoms off. Turning around, I drink him up. The towel hanging around his hips has me thinking about what’s underneath it—the huge cock I have been dying to have inside me for so long.

He’s silent but his darkening green eyes tell me everything I need to know… that he wants me as badly as I want him.

Slowly, I untie my bikini top and let it fall off my body.

Wes licks his lips and stalks towards me. I fall back on the bed and he catches himself above my body. Not letting his weight crush me but pressing his hard dick into my center.

I let out a loud moan as he rests on his forearms, then moves to lick each of my nipples.

“Fuck Lo, I need to taste you. Make your mind up right now… do you want this baby?”

Without an ounce of hesitation, I answer, “Yes Wes, please.”

“You never need to beg me. I’ve wanted inside you for the last four years.”

He says as he slowly makes his way down my body. Hovering over my pussy, I can feel his breath as he inhales and exhales. “Perfect, just like every inch of you… inside and out.”

The way he licks me is just like I remember… just like I need to get me there. Only this time I can tell he’s savoring me a little more… like he’s scared it will be our last moment like this. The slow, languid strokes with just the right amount of pressure have me writhing under him.

“You ready to come, Thea?”
