Page 50 of Reckless Abandon

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“He wants to meet with you tomorrow night. If you’re ready… they are. One of the Layne Investments private jets is already on standby at LAX for a red-eye tonight.”

I stand behind my desk, squeezing my eyes shut so I can completely take in this moment… where I truly chose to change the course of my life.

Letting out a deep breath, I look to Bloss and shout, “Holy shit, I’m really doing this. I’m really fricken doing this!”

We both do a little shimmy and shake before she comes over to hug me.

“Proud of you, Lo. You have made such a difference in my life, and I can’t wait to see you pursuing your dreams. Plus, that hot man of yours is going to be extremely happy.”

That causes me to smile so big, I know my eyes are squinting. Just thinking about being in the same place as him makes me simply ecstatic.

“Thanks babe. Now it’s my turn to surprise him.”

Doing the math in my head, I decide the red eye will be perfect. I’ll make it to New York right before he wakes up and still have all day to prep my brain for the meeting with Dalton.

* * *

My left legbounces with anticipation for the day ahead while I sit in the back of the Uber. I can’t wait to see Wes’s face when he sees me and especially when I tell him I’m sealing the deal on the club—which means moving back to New York.

I have so many ideas for this club, and I can’t wait to get creative with a new look for the interior with the help of Ava.

While I’m in town, I need to make time to go out to my parents’ place on Long Island. Hopefully Wes can go with me… I know they’re going to be over the moon when I tell them we’re together. My mom has called me out on my crush many times over the years and both my parents think he walks on water. They’ll also be excited to find out I’m moving closer to home. That means I’ll need to share the news of the club with them as well. That thought makes me a little nervous. As cool and supportive as my parents are, it's still a bit awkward explaining that their daughter is soon-to-be the proud owner of an erotic club.I already know I’ll keep the more “erotic” details to a minimum.

Not like they won’t already know the parts I’m “accidentally” leaving out. I know damn well from all the wild block parties and summers at the lake that my parents have a firm hold on their freak flags. Hell, it appears to run in the family if you look at Eli and me. We’re as proud as can be with our kinks.

My Uber comes to a stop in front of Wes’s building. Nerves of excitement thrum through me, causing my stomach to dip in anticipation.

Suddenly, that feeling turns to complete and utter shock. Frozen with one foot out of the car door… I watch in disbelief asmy sisterdoes the walk-of-shame out of Wes’s apartment building.

No way… it must just be a coincidence. Wes would never do that to me… to us.

That thought is quickly gone when my frantic gaze notices the shirt she’s wearing under her coat and the look on her blotchy, tear-streaked face.

The fucking I love NY t-shirt we bought just the other week when I made him spill his coffee all over himself.Why is she crying?

There is no way this is all one big coincidence. My sister… the one my boyfriend has fucked before… the one who confessed her love for him years ago… the main reason I hadn’t been with Wes all this time—just left his apartment at seven in the morning. After he went out drinking. To top it off, last night was the first time since we’ve been back together that he didn’t send me a good night text.

Now I know exactly why… he was too busy with my sister.

“Miss, are you going to get out? Do you need help?” I barely hear the driver ask as I watch Maddie get into a car. My blood is thrumming through my chest, making my heart and head feel like they could explode.

Shutting the door, I whisper, “Can I change my destination, please?”

“Sure,” he says kindly, probably seeing the hurt stretched across my face. I try my best to hold my emotions in until I’m alone. I know once I let my mind completely go there about what went down between them last night, there will be no going back. Mentally and emotionally. I thought it hurt finding out they had lost their virginities to each other, but this is on a whole other level of pain.

Struggling to think straight, I tell the driver to “just drive” until I figure out where I want to go. Luckily, he seems like a nice enough guy and doesn't give me a hard time.

I know I have to confront them, but for now I just want to clear my head... anything to calm down the anger and sadness swirling in the pit of my stomach.

How could he do this to me? After everything we have been through… after all the years.

Perhaps this is stupid of me, but I honestly don’t think he would seek her out—the love I’ve felt from him is way too strong for that. It just doesn’t make sense. Maybe I’m overreacting, maybe I'm not.So then how do you explain her walking out in his t-shirt?

Just days ago, we were making love and promising each other the future. Now I can’t help but feel tormented yet again by reality slapping me in the face.

* * *

Five years ago
