Page 51 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 24


“Good morning,” Thane says to me, lying next to me on the close confines of my couch.

“Morning,” I respond, my voice raspy and my eyes tired as we didn’t get much sleep. My mind drifts back to last night, to all that he and I did, and I find those thoughts making me damp between my legs.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he says, and my heart flutters from those words. No man has ever spoken so freely to me, not even Ben. Thane holds me tightly, and I breathe in the sweet smell of his chest, his scent so settling to me.

“Thank you,” I finally say.

“It’s the truth. You’re perfect.”

“So are you, Thane.”

“I meant what I said to you in the letter, Faye. I want you to feel comfortable speaking about Ben. You need to always remember all the great times you shared.”

His words…wow…his words are something else. A fury of emotions rolls through me, and I search within myself for the right way to respond. I worry he’s just saying that and doesn’t really feel it, deep inside of him so I ask, “Are you sure that’s how you really feel?”

“Have I ever lied to you?” I gaze up into his eyes knowing he hasn’t. Then close my eyes as the presence of Ben swarms around me. His reassurance that I’d been feeling when I first met Thane hits me full throttle, and I lose my breath. Finding comfort in knowing that he approves.

“No, you haven’t.”

“And I never will. You have my heart if you’ll accept it.” He leans down and kisses me, his strong arms holding me close and in this moment—for the first time in over a year—I feel like I’m going to be okay. With Thane by my side, how could I not be?


“I can leave,” Thane tells me, as I look out front waiting for my mother-in-law to drop Braxley off. My heart is pounding, and as much as I don’t want him to go and I don’t want to keep him from her, I feel like it might make things a whole lot worse than they need to be.

“I’m sorry, I think it might be best to give it some time.”

“For sure. I’m gonna grab Jack; then we can all do something this afternoon?”

I nod in response, as his hands clench onto the sides of my face. He kisses me tenderly, a few soft pecks that make me weak in the knees. Then he’s gone.

Bracing my weight on the edge of the countertop, my mind swirls back to last night, and I find myself biting my bottom lip recalling all that we did. Then I hear a car pull up and see Jan’s car parked on the street.

Thank God Thane left when he did.

“Hey, guys,” I call out to them from the front door.

“Mommy!” Braxley yells and runs up to me giving me a hug.

“Hey, my little man, how are you?” I hold him tightly.

“I’m good. Look what grandma got for me.” He shows me a new action figure, and I kiss the top of his hair before he runs inside. “Let me get that stuff for you, Jan,” I tell her as she’s struggling to carry all his bags.


She follows me in, and I tell her, “Thanks again for watching him.”

“No problem. Did you have a nice evening?”

“I did.”

“What did you do?”

“Just relaxed.”

“Oh good. I’m glad you got some time to yourself.”

“I did, thank you.”

And as much as I hate lying to Jan, deep down I feel it’s what’s best. I won’t keep Thane and I from her forever. But until the time is right, there is no need for her to know yet, and I would never want to hurt her, her being Ben’s mom and all. Braxley doesn’t even know we’re seeing each other yet. That needs to come first, and when it’s time, I’ll let Jan know too.
