Page 52 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 25


“Were you planning on telling me that you’re seeing someone?” Char asks me with an irritated tone to her voice.

Jack is in the room, and I don’t want him to hear us talk or see me get upset, so I tell him, “Will you make sure you got everything from your room, buddy?” He runs down the hall, and I turn to Char, knowing I don’t have much time. “How’s it any of your business?”

“Well, seeing as my son spends the majority of his time at some woman’s house, I think I deserve to know who she is.”

“Coming from you, the one who spent hours on end shopping while our son did what?” I wait for her to respond and she rolls her eyes.

“That’s different, Thane!”

“The hell it is. You know Jack is my number one priority so I’d never put him in a bad situation.”

“But maybe she would. Who is she?” Char asks, aggravating me even more.

Getting very close to her, I look her in the eye. Any feelings I ever had for her are long gone. “She’s everything you’re not and exactly what I’ve been searching my whole life for.”

“Fuck you!” she snarls and slams her fists against my chest. I turn my back on her and walk down the hall, lifting Jack with one arm, his bag in the other, and we walk out.

She has no right to question me or act like I owe her an explanation. She’s lucky I’m even letting her see Jack right now with how irresponsible she’s been. She blows through her money, well, my money I give to her, and until very recently all the woman did was shop.

“Why are you and Mama fighting?” he asks me.

“We weren’t fighting, buddy, just talking about grownup stuff. Did you have fun?” He nods his head, but he doesn’t seem as enthusiastic as last time. “Well, what did you guys do?”

“Not much, I talked to Braxley a lot on the radio, until Mama took it away.”

“Why did she do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m sorry, little man. What do you say we head over there, and you guys can play all day?”

“Can we swim in their pool?”

“Uh, sure,” I tell him, wondering what gave him that idea.

“Yes!” he exclaims, “Braxley’s grandma got him a new Aquaman, and it swims.”

“Well…swimming it is, then,” I tell him and we make a quick stop by our house so we can change into our swimming trunks.

Pulling up to Faye’s, she and Braxley are just unloading groceries.

“Let me help you with that,” I tell her, getting out of my car and walking up to her. I want to lay a big kiss on her fine ass but don’t, not with the boys around.

She lets me take the bags from her hands, and we follow the boys inside. With their backs to us, I lean down and kiss her cheek. Her eyes light up, and I ask her, “Where do you want this stuff?”

“On the island, please.”

“Can we swim, Mommy?”

“Of course. Jack, do you have trunks to wear?”

He nods his head and lifts his shirt up, showing her his trunks that he’s wearing. She chuckles and tells Braxley to go change. “Apparently, they’ve been talking about this on the walkies. That was until Char took Jack’s away.”

“She did? Why would she do that?”
