Page 60 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“Amen to that,” Reverend Barnes muttered.

Grace tightened her hold on Luc’s arms. “Dad. Please!”

“Perhaps if we skipped to the crucial bits?” Luc suggested.

Reverend Barnes glanced uncertainly at Grace. “You don’t object?”

“No, Dad. I don’t.”

“Very well. I must say, this is highly unusual, but if you both agree, I guess it’s all right. Let me think... Oh, right. Do you, Luciano Salvatore, promise to love, honor, and cherish this woman?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Grace Barnes, promise to love, honor, and obey—”


“Don’t interrupt your father, Grace.”

She turned on Luc. “I will not promise to obey. It’s archaic. If you get to cherish, so do I.”

The doorbell sounded, a long, strident, insistent ring. Luc muttered beneath his breath in Italian. Grace closed her eyes and sighed.

“I’ll get it,” Matteo offered brightly.

A minute later, Dom hustled into the room. “What is going on?” he demanded. “Why have I not been told there is to be a wedding?” He regarded Luc and Grace with an expression of outrage. “And why did you tell me you were married, when you were not?”

Luc sighed. “You know why.”

Dom nodded grimly. “Because I would have thrown you out of the family if I had known you had a baby with Grace without benefit of a wedding ring. I still might.”

“What?” Reverend Barnes stared at them in shock. His gaze slid to Toni, kicking and gurgling in Soren’s arms. “She’syourbaby, Grace?”

“No!” She covered her face with her hands. “Dad, could you finish the ceremony?Please?I promise I’ll explain everything then.”

“I think you’d better explain everything now.”

A loud, determined banging resounded through the apartment, and Angel headed for the door. Luc’s hands shot into the air. “That’s it. Who the hell’s left to barge in here? Wait a minute. What about the police? They haven’t shown up, yet. In fact, they’re the only ones who haven’t.”

“I came in their place,” a tall, stunning brunette announced from the doorway. Angel stood at her side. “Cynthia Cuthbert, social services.” She smiled at the horrified gathering, her gaze shifting slowly to Luc and Grace. “Hello, Luc. It’s been a long time.”

If the identity of their latest visitor came as a surprise, Luc didn’t show it. “Not long enough,” he said dryly. “Hello, Cynthia.”

Dante elbowed Matteo. “Cynthia?TheCynthia? The woman Luc couldn’t charm?”

“TheCynthia,” his twin confirmed gloomily.

The social worker glided across the room. “You must be Grace,” she said, offering her hand. She lifted an eyebrow. “Am I interrupting something?”

“You know damned well you are!” Luc retorted.

“If this little event has been staged for Antonia’s benefit, I’m afraid you’re too late. The jig is up.” She planted her hands on her hips and fixed Luc with an annoyed glare. “I must say, I’m not at all happy with you. You’ve positively ruined my caseworkers. They’re as giddy as schoolgirls. Am I the only woman in the world you haven’t charmed the pants off of?”

“You’re the second.” He pointed at Grace. “And she’s the third. Though it’s not for want of trying, I might add.”

“Don’t feel bad,” Cynthia told him sympathetically. “I’m sure you did your best.” She glanced at her watch. “I’m afraid I have to get down to business now. I’ve come for Antonia.”

Luc folded his arms across his chest and shook his head. “Not a chance.” His brothers instantly formed a protective circle around the baby. “In one minute Grace and I will be married.”
