Page 61 of How to: Hide a Baby

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The social worker shrugged. “That won’t matter. You lied, Luc. You told the department the two of you were already married. Ms. Cartwright warned you of the consequences if you told any more lies, and you ignored her warning.”

“Don’t treat me like a child, Cynthia,” Luc practically snarled. “We both know the department can make exceptions. I want you to make one now.”

A smile of genuine amusement touched her perfect features. “You always did have a way with words. Tell me why I should make an exception for you. Because we were once friends?”

“That’s one reason. You also know my family. You know we’ll take care of Toni, that she’s safe with us.”

“Um... Excuse me,” Reverend Barnes interrupted. “I’m very confused. Exactly whose baby is this, and why are you trying to take her away?”

“This I would like to know, too,” Dom chimed in, folding his arms across his chest.

“She’s my daughter,” a voice spoke from behind them. “And no one’s going to take her away. Not if I have anything to say about it.”

Everyone turned. “Brand!” Grace exclaimed in delight. “You’re back.”

“Back...” He held out Carina’s hand. A diamond-encrusted wedding band decorated her third finger. “And married. Everyone, my wife, Carina Donati Salvatore.”

“Antonia isBrand’s?”Dom questioned in confusion.“Per Dio!Am I told nothing anymore?”

Spying her daughter, Carina wrenched her hand free of Brand’s and darted across the room, snatching the baby from Soren’s arms. “Toni!” she cried, bursting into noisy sobs, Italian endearments falling as fast as her tears. She hugged her baby close, dropping frantic kisses on Toni’s tuft of black hair. Brand crossed to her side and peered down at his daughter, an expression of wonder dawning on his face.

“She’s beautiful,” he whispered, reaching out a tentative finger to touch a round, pink cheek. “Everything was so hectic before, I didn’t really notice.” He looked up and grinned. “I have a daughter,” he announced in a proud voice.

It took close to an hour to straighten everything out. To Grace’s secret amusement, Brand proved to be the one Salvatore capable of charming the uncharmable Cynthia. By the time she left, he’d managed to straighten out most of their problems and had set up an appointment to settle any final questions.

Grace stood quietly by her father, grateful for the supportive arm he’d wrapped around her. She watched the happy reunion with a calm façade she hoped concealed her inner turmoil. Luc didn’t need to marry her now. And though the knowledge came as a relief, it also caused the most agonizing pain. But that pain was nothing compared to what it would have been if they’d gone through with the wedding and the subsequent divorce.

It was time to face facts. Their marriage wouldn’t have worked, not when Luc didn’t love her. And no matter what he said, he didn’t love her. Not enough, anyway. If she left now, she could depart with some dignity. If she waited much longer she’d break down. She glanced up at her father. “I guess there’s no more reason for the wedding,” she told him quietly.

He covered her hand with his. “I’m sorry, Grace.”

She blinked back tears. Obviously, he understood far more than she’d realized. Was her love for Luc so apparent? “Let’s go, Dad.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” Luc moved to stand in front of her, blocking her escape.

“Luc, don’t,” she pleaded. “Toni is safe now. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself. There’s no point.”

“You’re right. There is no point. Except this.” He took her hand in his. “I want to marry you,cara mia.For real. Now. And it won’t be a marriage of convenience. To be honest, there are times you are the most inconvenient woman I’ve ever met. That doesn’t change the fact that I love you, Grace. I want a forever kind of marriage with you, the kind with vows to love, honor, and cherish.”

“Not obey?” she asked in a shaken voice.

He nodded in satisfaction. “Fine. And obey.”

“Actually,” Reverend Barnes interrupted, “I was planning to add just one more vow to all that. Love, honor, cherish, and never tell another lie. Seems more appropriate that way, don’t you think?”

“Done,” Luc agreed. “Grace?”

She didn’t dare believe. “Why, Luc? Yesterday you wanted an affair. It wasn’t until Ms. Caruthers found out we weren’t married that you changed your mind.”

He shook his head, his golden eyes dark and stormy. “Something else happened.”


“Your father walked in.” He cupped her face in his hands, speaking softly, for her ears alone. “Making love to you was beautiful beyond compare. When he walked in the door, it became sordid. I could see it in your face. You were ashamed. And I realized I’d turned something beautiful, something you should remember with joy for the rest of your life, into something shabby. In that moment, I realized I didn’t want an affair with you. Affairs end. And I don’t want what we have to end. I never have, not from the moment you stepped into my office. I don’t want you just for my lover. I want you for my wife. I want a forever with you.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes. “I love you, Luc.”

“Bellissima mia,”he murmured. “Haven’t I told you how much I love you? You’re the only woman I see anymore. You’ve made me blind to all others. Awake or asleep, I see only your face, hear only your voice. The air I breathe is filled with your scent.” He held out his hand. “Will you marry me?”
