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“Maybe not your sole focus.” A hint of color swept across her cheekbones and she peeked at him from beneath a dark sweep of lashes. “I can tell you want to make love to me.”

The comment came so unexpectedly and as such a non sequitur, he couldn’t help laughing. “Men are such obvious creatures, Mia, especially when they want someone. Women are far more subtle. Like the faintest perfume scenting the air and luring a man to his doom. Of course, it helps when you’re frank about your needs.”

She tilted her head to one side and studied him, atiny worry line appearing between her brows. “I don’t mind being frank. It’s just…”

“Tell me. Brutal honesty, remember?”

“Okay, fine. Mia took a deep breath, her breasts lifting as though beckoning to him, and he stifled a groan. She was killing him, inch by inch. “Brutal honesty, are you trying to meet my condition for marrying so it’s over with?”

It took an instant to understand her question. “Your—” Astonishment hit, along with dismay. “To seduce you? Am I trying to get your condition that I seduce you over with? No, of course not.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “You’re sure?”

“Honey, I’ll only make love to you if it’s what we both want. And just so you know, what’s happening right now isn’t a seduction.”

“It’s not?”

He smiled. “Not even a little. If anything, it’s practice. We’ll practice getting familiar with one another and learning what we both enjoy.”

She cleared her throat. “Under the heading of brutal honesty…”


“I don’t know what I enjoy and you will need to tell me what you’d like. Ihave an excellent imagination, but no practical experience.”

He froze, stunned. “You’re a virgin?”

“Brutally, honestly, yes.” Her frown reappeared. “È un problema?”

“Not a problem, exactly. Just a surprise.” Try, shock. “I thought your boyfriend—”

“The accident happened before we did anything.” Her frown deepened. “Perhaps we should take care of that tonight. From what I’ve heard the first time isn’t always pleasant.”

He’d never had such an unusual conversation with a woman before. He found it amusing and disarming and absurdly arousing. “I think that depends.”

“On you?”

He shook his head. “On us. On how comfortable we are with one another.”

For the first time, she offered an impish grin. “Is my being naked under you comfortable?”

Brand met her grin with one of his own.“Uncomfortable.”

“I can move, if that would help?”

She shifted beneath him and he groaned at the feel of her breasts and hips brushing against him. It threatened to drive him insane, requiring every ounce of self-control to keep from parting her thighs and driving intoher.

“Moving is more uncomfortable,” he bit out. “Alotmore.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” she dared to tease.

“It depends on what happens next.”

He’d never met anyone like her. Ever. No pretentions. No drama. Open. Naked in her honesty as well as physically which told him so much about her. Worse, it endeared her to him and he couldn’t allowthat.

He had nothing to offer a woman, other than a brief physical relationship. He was incapable of loving a woman, not the way she needed or wanted. If he’d learned anything from his marriage to Carina, he’d learned that. He opened his mouth to explain that fact to her, to give her the brutal honesty he’d promised. Before he could, she spoke.

“Well, next I think we should—” She broke off abruptly. “Do you smell that?”

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