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So, what did he donow?

He glanced at his daughter, dressed in the Christmas pajamas they’d bought a few days ago. His first duty was to protect Mia and their child. To his profound relief, Soren texted minutes later that he’d found Mia and would bring her home shortly. Another incredibly complicated conversation in the offing. But for now, first things first.

“Toni? We need to talk, sweetie.”

She bounced up and down. “About Christmas?”

“Not exactly. It’s about Mia.”

Eyes wide, worry lining her brow, she asked, “Is Mia okay? Where is she?”

“She’s fine, pumpkin puss. And she’s on her way home.” He gathered her close. “Do you remember when we talked about the things your friend Becca said to you? About being replaced?”

“I ’member. You said you wouldn’t have a baby to place me.”

He tiptoed into the conversation. “I also said a baby could never replace you,” he reminded gently. “That we love you and love only gets bigger, never smaller. The more people we meet, the more people we love, and the more our heart grows. Do you remember that?”

“Yeees,” she admitted hesitantly.

“And has your heart grown with Mia? Do you think you can love her?”

“Oh, yes. Ilike Mia now.”

Now for the toughest part of all. “What if Daddy and Mia had a baby? Would you still think we’re trying to replace you or would you like a baby brother or sister?”

She hesitated, atiny frown creasing her brow. “You said no babies.”

“You’re right. Idid. But what if that happened? Would you be willing to love a little brother or sister?”

“My heart would get bigger?”

“All of our hearts would,” he assured gently.

“Are you going to have a baby tomorrow?”

“No, sweetie. It wouldn’t be until next summer. So you’d have plenty of time to look forward to having a little brother or sister.”

“Okay, but am I getting a boy or girl?”

Brand smiled, relieved beyond measure that she’d edged toward acceptance. “We won’t know that for a while. But I’d be happy with either one. If it’s a boy, he’ll be like Nick, Uncle Angel and Aunt Laurel’s baby.”

“I love Nicky.”

“We all love Nicky, just like we all love you.”

“Just like we’ll all love my brother or sister?”

“Just like that.”

A small sound behind him alerted Brand to Mia’s presence. She approached and attempted a smile, apoor effort at best. Crossing to the bed, she bent to give Toni a hug andkiss.

“Good night, Toni.”

“Tomorrow is Christmas.”

“It sure is. And you need to get some sleep so Santa can come.”

Toni bounced on her bed. “I’m too excited to sleep.”

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