Page 15 of Abduction

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While they were friends, he was also a businessman. He was loyal as fuck to his country, and this woman, but he was a free agent—more or less.

“Mikey O’ is the target. They want to remove him so they can have the port. The Russian mob and the Chinese mafia are teaming up to raise some hell. They need the port to get goods and drugs in. He’s in the way. She’s been put into play to take them apart. They want him personally, but I don’t know why. That is why you’ll have to do some digging on your end.”

Well, that wasn’t good.

Oh, and she would dig too.

Jagger was near and dear to her heart. His sister worked for her, and Jaxon was married to one of her favorite nuts.

“Word is that she’s helping them set up shop and making a shit ton of money doing it. Like forty million dollars, plus a way out when they arrive. They are going to set her up in Russia in a big-ass home, and handle the mess she made in Germany.”




“You know that she’s been buying mercenaries and guns.”

That she was aware of.

“Well, she’s being the gatekeeper to New Orleans, and all that’s in her way are your people. She knows everything about them, and likely sold it to the Russians.”


Yeah, she was going to end up going there.

“Is she out of her mind going directly at Jagger?” she asked, rhetorically. “Even if she could take him down, Maura would take the whole town down before she’ll let her husband get hurt.”

He was aware.

“She’s loco, Elizabeth. From what I hear, the CIA has been trying to recall her and she’s not answering. They can’t find her on the ground either.”

That wasn’t good.

“Who else is there?”

“Wolf. They are holding back on putting Recluse into play for now. Only because I’m already there. If it goes South, you’re going to have four spiders there. The Huntsman will be appearing too.”

She didn’t want that.




Elizabeth wasn’t sure what Artemis’ plan was, but if this was going to get ugly, she needed The Hunters aware.

Oh, and to be on the ground.

It looked like her hopes of tagging in and helping Callen and Chris on a case was all but not happening. She was going to NOLA and hanging around.


When they heard someone approaching, it was Ethan, and he had tennis balls in his hands.
