Page 171 of Abduction

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The men in the group raised their hands, but the women didn’t.


Jagger pointed at his wife and did the same thing she’d done earlier.


She snorted.

“What? It’s a thing. Man-on-man action is hot in certain situations. If the guys are gorgeous…”

He covered his ears.

Maura winked at him.

Pouring herself some coffee, Elizabeth pointed out a problem with their theory.

“Why am I an odd duck? I’ve kissed Dakota plenty of times, and none of it had anything to do with sex.”

He agreed.

“She’s got a point. I had sex with her years ago, and when she kisses me, I don’t want to have anything like that with her.”

From beside him, his wife got feisty.

Adder kicked the back of his leg, and he went to his knees so he was shorter than she was.

As she stared into his eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest.

“What were you saying, husband?”

He explained.

“Elizabeth is like kissing a sister. She isn’t talking shove your tongue down someone’s throat kissing. Right?”

“No. It was a kiss-kiss. You know a friendly greeting or a gentle reassurance. I’ve kissed Rogue, Jagger, and Boone. You guys are my family. I’ve even been kissed by Maura ON THE LIPS. I didn’t ask her to sleep with me.”

“Wait,” Jagger said. “Is that an opt…”

He didn’t get to finish.

Maura put him to the floor so fast and then stood on him to pin him there. His laughter was heard from below her.

“Sorry. I’m a dude.”

Elizabeth laughed.

“I’m not worried. I trust my husband, and I know that he and Gene had something important. I would even say have. Without Gene, Ethan wouldn’t have made it to me. I love him for that. If he needs to lean on Ethan to get through this mess, I’m down with it.”

They could all see that.

She genuinely wasn’t worried.

It was a fact that Elizabeth had a great propensity to love her family, and The Hunters were family.

Gene was hers by proxy of Ethan.

Boone offered his opinion, which was rare. He was more of the watch and say nothing kind of guy.
