Page 176 of Abduction

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“And tech?” Merry asked.


“Well, we’ll vote….” Jagger began but was knocked over as Zayn rushed the boxes to get to a gun.

“Maura already decided,” he said as he reached the cases and giggled in glee.

It was clear that someone was a gun whore.

Without hesitating, Zayn pulled one of the cases open, and inside, he saw the sexiest thing next to his wife.

A pristine MP-Five.

“Holy shit!” he muttered, pulling it from the case to show them.

That had everyone’s attention.

Well, anyone who knew what the gun was capable of doing in a gunfight.

Rogue was beside him, and there were eight of them in the cases.

“How did you get your hands on these guns?” he asked. “They are collectors editions. Do they work?” he asked, running his hands over them.

She smiled.

“I know a gun guy in Boston who intercepted a shipment of guns going to some collector, and when he ‘borrowed’ it, he offered it up to me as repayment for saving his bestie’s ass. Croft got excused from his prison sentence, but Dimitri wanted to not owe me, so he paid me in guns.”

Maura picked one up.

“These are sweet. They are in pristine condition,” she said, checking it out.”

She was aware.

“There were nine of them. One is in my collection at home because…well, I like guns too. For the record, they are untraceable. Use that information as you will.”



Everyone moved closer. The Snakes were all over the guns, as were the Marines. It was like Christmas morning for a bunch of killers.

That had been the plan.

The non-mercenaries were curious too.

“What’s in the other boxes?” Merry asked. “Because I’m not swayed by weapons. You know what gets me all twitterpated.”

Boone raised his hand.

“Yes, Honey. The answer is you, but also with a side of tech.”

Her husband laughed.

Why was he not surprised?

“Well, that hurts,” he joked.

Elizabeth clued her in.
