Page 177 of Abduction

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“Yes, that’s your tech, and it’s the techiest tech that could ever be teched.”

Merry giggled in glee.

Elizabeth shared why she got it for them.

“Since I’ve stolen the files on the four dead people, I have to make myself look like I’m working the cases, so I won’t be able to babysit you. Going forward, the rest is on you guys. You have to do your thing, while I make it look as if I’m doing mine.”

They got it.

Elizabeth wasn’t going to be kicking in doors with them or interrogating bad guys. She was only there for backup if something went to shit.

“How did that go?” Maura asked. “You know, getting the files.”

She laughed sardonically.

“You mean when the captain of homicide made me wait an hour for him and I was stuck with Tommy reassuring me that my husband was going to break my heart? It was great.”

Maura shook her head as she loaded one of the MP-Fives.

“Add to that, the ME was not happy when I claimed the four bodies and had them shipped back to DC. My husband is also not amused since he’s working a case and now has dead tortured people on the way to his morgue, and had to convince Doctor Strong that I was on the up and up—when I’m not.”

Merry was trying to open the case, but it wouldn’t unlock.

“Is this a digital lock?” she asked.

Elizabeth nodded.

“MATE, unlock the cases,” she said, and the system hummed, doing as she asked.

When the cases clicked open, Merry was confused.

“Body armor?”

Granted, it was nice and the high grade that special forces had, but it wasn’t tech.

“Well, I’m let down. I thought I’d get a laptop with my own version of MATE.”

Elizabeth laughed.

“Yeah, you’re never getting MATE. I can barely have MATE. She’s bitchin’ expensive and property of the US government, so put that pipe dream away, cupcake. I’m married to the man who owns the company that created her, and I still don’t ‘own’ her.”

Leonard Industries had some sweet tech that they created just for her to be safe.

As for the vests, she gave them a hint.

“Scan them.”

Remington pulled a pocket scanner out and passed it over one. It gave off a signal. That meant it was able to link to a satellite and be found.

“Nice,” he said.

“MATE, ghost mode.”

She pointed at the scanner after the vest beeped.

“Scan again,” she offered.

He did the same thing, but this time, there was no signal.
