Page 178 of Abduction

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“You shut it off?”

“Nope. The signal is still on. CIA or military scanners can’t detect it.”

“What?” Maura asked, curiously. “Where did you get that?”

She explained the tech first.

“I figured you needed something to keep you safe, like if you get separated, or lost, then your team can find you.”

She liked that idea.

Elizabeth answered the next question.

“There’s a company making vests for say…me. Apparently, I go missing, and the tech is being created to ensure that I’m trackable.”

Ivan laughed.

“Her husband’s company was tasked with making that vest because I’m damn sick of playing ‘where did I put the deputy director today’?” he asked.

She pointed at him.

“Toady! Stop talking.”

Maura was amused.

“And it’s reliable tech?” she asked.

“It’s made by the same research and development division that created MATE. At some point, it’ll be in every soldier’s body armor, and let me just say this. It’s top secret. Foreign governments would love this advantage. I’m the guinea pig. Say nothing. Those vests were NOT easy to come by.”

They got it.

Mum was the word.

“Sweet,” Eve said as she picked one up. “I can’t wait to try it out. Do you have anything in petite pregnant Snake?” she asked.

That was all Dakota had to hear.

Her husband took it away from her, and then picked her up by the waist and stared into her eyes.


She actually laughed.

How could she not?

Eve was curious.

“Is this because I kicked out your knee before?” she asked. “Is that my punishment? You won’t let me wear the fancy tech on missions?”

He explained.

“No, it’s because my pregnant wife isn’t wearing body armor. She’s staying in. We keep having this conversation, and we keep disagreeing.”

She gave him a kiss.

“I love you when you’re all caveman-y. It gets me all handsy,” she said, running her fingers down his cheek.

He sighed.
