Page 186 of Abduction

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Maura wasn’t taking any chances.

“Take the new body armor, and sync up to MATE so we can watch from here.”

“We can watch?” Dakota said. “I like to watch.”

The second it was out of his mouth, he knew what he did.

He opened the door for a comment from Zayn.

“Well, no one is shocked there,” Zayn admitted, busting his ass. “We suspected that about you, perv.”

He got flipped off by Dakota.

“I hope you don’t sleep tonight knowing MATE knows everything about you and is tracking your every move like prey.”

He gasped.

“Why are you mean?”

Dakota laughed.

Only, Maura wasn’t playing around.

“MATE, can you sync the body armor to your system so that we can keep track of the wearers?” Maura asked.

“Yes, do you want to track the chucklefucks?” MATE asked.

“Uh, did we just teach her…,” Zayn began.

“I’m in learning mode. I am adjusting my language to make communication easier, Mr. Paranoid.”

Zayn pointed.

“SEE why I’m the way I am? Our computer is learning. The next step is world domination!”

Merry giggled.

“She doesn’t have a body, yet. You’re good. Once she gets legs, be afraid.”

His eyes went huge.

Stella could see her husband about to lose it, so she reassured him.

“It’s okay, Babe.”

Maura snapped her fingers to get them to knock it off.


It was like having a house full of paranoid children.

“Focus,” she said to them and then spoke to their system. “Yes, for the chucklefucks, MATE. How do we scan the vest? We’re learning too.”

The system explained.

“Please enter the tagged code number inside the armor,” MATE said as a box appeared.

“Grab two for me,” Merry said, and when they handed them to her she was confused as to how she was supposed to enter the numbers.
