Page 19 of Abduction

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Elizabeth told her.

“The CIA said Artemis is off the reservation.”

Axelle lifted a brow.

“Why wasn’t I notified?” she asked.

Lewis explained.

“Likely because you would have gladly and merrily skipped your way to NOLA to find her, put a bullet in her head, and have your bestie help.”

She laughed.

“Okay, that kinda sounds like me. Only, I rarely point the deputy director at the crazy. She finds it all on her own. I have to wrangle her.”

“I got to be me,” Elizabeth admitted.

That was the truth.

Lewis continued.

“The boss is freaking out about it. Word is that he’s going to call out the big dogs and drop four Spiders into NOLA to clean it up. You know when Recluse, The Huntsman, Wolf, and I get called in, we seldom leave the place standing. He either doesn’t want her to talk, or he just doesn’t like her at all, because he’s real twitchy.”

They were aware.

That meant trouble for all operations on the ground, and their big one was The Hunters.

Axelle couldn’t let that happen. They were Ethan’s baby, and Elizabeth’s to run.

“We don’t need that,” Axelle stated.

Lewis was honest.

He was here on his own because he knew the CIA was just waiting to fuck the FBI over. While he liked a bonus paycheck, these two women were his friends.

They had a loyal history, and he wouldn’t betray someone he respected.

That had happened to him.

And he still had the scars to prove it.

Helping them was dangerous though. This was inside the country, and they were NOT supposed to be playing this game. The Snakes had been the ones to handle in country, and the Spiders handled outside like the CIA.

Axelle deferred this to her sister-in-law.

The Hunters were hers.

“What do you want to do?”

There was only one thing she could do.

“I’m going to play the game. This has been a long time coming, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Artemis fuck over The Hunters.”

She agreed there.

“What’s the plan?”

Elizabeth only had two. One was to go in, and the other was a little trickier. That one would take some time.
