Page 205 of Abduction

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The family let them handle it.

“Vitals,” Elizabeth stated. “Holograph, please.”

They popped up with their heart rate, oxygen levels, and even body temperature.

The whole family noticed that the women were completely calm.

Well, calmer than them.

“Copy,” Adder said. “The window is open here. I’m going to access and incapacitate. Hold position in the hallway until I make access.”

Not far away, Dakota was freaking out silently. His heart was pounding in his chest.

His pregnant wife was in a building where they didn’t have eyes.

“I don’t like this,” he muttered.

Maura reached him and ran her hand up and down Dakota’s back as he looked terrified.

“Breathe,” she said.

Oh, he was trying.

Over the com, all they could hear was the street noise, and people talking all around Jinx.

Then, the vitals for Adder went haywire, and all hell broke loose over the communications.

“What’s happening?” he asked, looking around as the lights flashed on her readings.

“Wait,” Elizabeth said, watching from where she stood.

No one knew what was going down, but from the scuffle, they could guess.

For Dakota, it was the longest moments of his life.

Eve wasn’t talking.

And he was praying.


Chapter Twelve

Shila Bargo’s Apartment



Operation Time

T his was one of those times when Adder had to put everything behind her and not think about anything but what was going on around her. Not staying focused would only cause issues.

It wasn’t about her anymore.

It was about her unborn child, Violet safely tucked away at Chartres, and her new husband.

While she could hear him talking, and the rest of them too, she had to move like a snake.
