Page 222 of Abduction

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Oh, lordy.

She wasn’t shocked.

Violet had mentioned that she wanted to be like her mother, so that was a distinct possibility. Eve was like the mother duck who saved the duckling, so...

“She is young still. Maybe she’ll change her mind. This is a rough life.”

Marsha laughed.

“She could do worse, Cher.”

That was the truth.

This life gave her two amazing men she’d married, and now three kids. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.

“Good point.”

“He needs you,” Marsha said. “I’ll feed the little ones, and keep them busy. You go handle your husband.”

For that, she was grateful.

It was time to soothe the savage beast.

“I’ll be back. I’ll go see what is riling up my Marine,” she said, having a sneaking suspicion.

Maura kissed her kids and headed out of the kitchen to get to their bedroom. Once in the master suite, she found him drying off after a shower.

That told her everything.

Jagger didn’t shower in the middle of the day for funsies. He hadn’t been out killing anyone, and he’d molested her that morning in the shower.

So he was clean.

This was about washing away some pain.

“Want to talk about it?”

He jumped and spun, not expecting her.

“Jesus, Mar!”

She laughed.

“Sorry, J. I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said, heading his way.

He looked like he was upset.

“Is this about Gamble?” she asked. “Or is this that your wife is pregnant, and someone is gunning for us? Help me understand so I can talk you down from the ledge.”

Yeah, she didn’t mince words.

He considered it.

“More about Gamble. When isn’t my wife pregnant and someone is gunning for us?” he asked.

He had a point.

“What’s bothering you?”
