Page 27 of Abduction

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Someone was edgy.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Tommy said. “I’m just looking over the wedding plans.”

Well, that always made Gene happy.

Maybe the feeling he was getting about their vibe was just him being paranoid.

He tended to be like that.

The bottom line was that they were going to be getting married soon. They’d put it off until after El Gato was handled, and Chevy too.

Now, it was time to get hitched.

Or so he kept telling Tommy, who kept trying to make everything perfect.

All Gene wanted was to get married.

The present time was a good time for Gene.

“Where do you want to honeymoon?” Tommy asked. “Are you up for a beach, maybe we rent a boat and get some fishing in…”

He immediately shut that one down.

It brought back memories of his past with Ethan, and honestly, he held them sacred. He never wanted to go brokeback fishing with anyone.

It was a time when he could be a bottom, and just enjoy that comfortable familiarity with a man he loved.

“Not a fan of fishing,” Gene said, lying his ass off. He loved being on a boat, but that was a memory he saved for himself and Ethan.

It was one of the few things he’d kept sacred to him.

It was a core memory.

And Gene wasn’t giving it up.

“So a beach?”

“I do love a boozy drink with a pretty umbrella. How about this? We’ll divide and conquer. You plan the honeymoon, and I’ll find us a place.”

They’d discussed leaving The Hunters.

Gene and Tommy both worried about each other’s safety.

“Okay,” Tommy said. “I can agree to that.”

Gene smiled.

“I’m good with heading up North to the DC area,” Gene said. “We can look at some places there. I know the Georgetown area well.”

Tommy paused.

“That close to DC?” he asked.

Gene sat down.

Uh, what was this?

“Yeah, you know…where I can go back to work as an agent, and we can be safe.”
