Page 277 of Abduction

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“Run his phone,” Maura said.

Merry began doing just that. The rest of the team kept talking it out.

“Okay, so we have this on the back burner. We have a location. We’ll need to check it out first,” Maura admitted.

Lewis hated to be the Debbie Downer, but he had to be that role.

“We need to be careful,” he said. “She’ll expect someone to go there, but we don’t know to the extent,” he admitted. “I played paranoid, and she’ll be watching the security to see if I show up. If I don’t, she might be suspicious. So we have to protect ourselves, but not so much as she never knows we showed.”

Jagger thought about it.

“We need tech that can circumnavigate anything she has. Someone call Remmy and see what he can get for us. We have some CIA tech, but…you know. Artemis might have something better.”

Rogue pulled out his phone and made the call. The man should be heading in soon with Calyx.

“We can go, snoop around, get out, and then if need be, bring Merry and Boone there as bait later.”

Boone didn’t like him.

“Yeah, no. You are NOT using my wife as bait. That’s never happening. You can bet on it.”

“Chill out, Blackbeard.”

Boone stared at him with one eye.

“Can we shoot him?” he asked.

Zayn pulled a gun and pointed it at the man. Only, he didn’t flinch.

“Boys,” Maura said. “Knock that shit off. We’re not offering up Merry and Boone, and we’re not shooting Lewis in our living room. If you want blood sport, save it for Artemis and the RUSSIAN!”

Zayn reluctantly put his gun away. The whole time, he was grumbling under his breath.

“You’re lucky I like the Major.”

Lewis wasn’t worried.

After making his call, Rogue came back into the room to update them.

“Uh, Remington isn’t answering. It’s going right to voicemail. Maybe he’s busy with the lady.”

Well, that didn’t help them.

Remington moved at his own speed and in his own time. He’d check in when he had a moment. He’d been celibate for ten years. Who were they to stop his fun?

“Then that leaves us one option.”


Pulling out her phone, Maura made the call. It didn’t take her long to answer. Since there was street noise, they figured she was out and about, doing her thing.

“Yo. Blackhawk,” she said, answering on the first ring since she was just walking around an alley that the cops had blocked off.”

Oddly, it was a familiar one.

Years ago, she’d had her head tech, Violet, dumped in this exact alley, after she’d been abducted before a case.

“We have a question.”
