Page 278 of Abduction

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“Shoot,” she said as her brother was crouched looking behind a dumpster.

From the media’s perspective, he was looking for evidence.

What he was actually doing was watching a cockroach try to carry a beignet into a dumpster through a crack.

He was taking pictures for Tony.

Lordy, but they had some issues in their gene pool.

“We have a location for Artemis,” she said. “We found out that Merry and Boone were just named as targets, and we suspect it’s to lure Jagger and me out for our Russian visitor.”

She thought about it.

“Okay, and?”

Maura clued her in.

“She doesn’t realize she hired someone who is on our side. He thinks she’s expecting him to check the location out. We want to make sure that we have tech she can’t beat, but still let her know we’ve been there.”

Now she got it.

“I have some things you might be able to use. I’ll get them to you. Expect a knock on the front door. Look in the potted plant.”

Uh, what was this?

“That’s Cloak and Dagger-esque.”

“I’m on a crime scene, where the lawyer and his daughter were dumped. We’re watching cockroaches scavenge for food, and I have media outside the alley. I’ll call Saint and Raphael and have them do a drive by teching.”

She got it now.

Elizabeth was staying away from the location, just in case she was being watched. As if she could read her mind, Elizabeth shared even more.

“I’m not letting Ethan and Gene out, and I have Ivan and Duke with me. It’ll have to be a dump and run.”

She was good with that.

“Would Artemis come for us like that?” she asked. “Would she want leverage?”

She laughed.

“Yes. She’s ruthless. She wouldn’t think twice about a hostage situation. She likely fed that intel to Calyx on purpose. Trust nothing you get. Double verify it.”

Yeah, she was feeling that.

When she looked over, both Eve and Jinx were back, and they dumped a backpack full of tech on the table for Merry to begin working through when she was done with Lewis’.

“Okay, we will.”

Elizabeth wasn’t done.

“Remington might know what tech she’s using.”

Yeah, well, that was a problem.

“We tried to reach him. His phone is going to voicemail. He’s watching Calyx.”

She got it.
