Page 276 of Abduction

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“He’s not wrong. I was. I’m just playing the odds in my head, and wondering why she didn’t just ask you to grab Jagger and myself.”

Oh, he knew.

“Likely because they’re going to be bait. Sounds like it’s a lure Jagger and you out kind of a deal. No one is going to approach you two. They’ve studied you, and you’re both dangerous. A scientist and ex-cop?”

The family didn’t like that.

“She wants me,” Jagger said, getting their attention. “I’m the end goal.”

When everyone looked over, he explained.

“Not me, per se, but Mikey O’. She’s studied me enough that she knows I’ll trade myself for any of them. That’s the code I live by as a Marine and mob man. Then, Alexsandr has the mob contained, and one of the people who killed his father.”

Yeah, no freaking way.

There was no way they’d let that happen.

They knew what this meant.

“So we were right. No one in our group is safe. If she can get any of us, she has a way to get us out of the hole,” Maura admitted. “She won’t go for Elizabeth and her husband because she’ll open hell and the whole federal government. Plus, the Russian has issue with us.”


They were all marked.

The only thing in their favor was that Artemis did not know that they were laying low, and protecting their ranks.

“The guy who the Snakes just talked to said she left for Germany. Could she be out of country?”

He tossed Merry his work phone.

“She called me on that. Can you extract the information?” he asked. “And maybe use the money she just sent me to find her?”

Oh, she could.

Merry took the phone, and she was staring at him warily.

It amused him.

“You can chill, Meredith. If I was going to betray you, I wouldn’t tell you about it first. That’s loco. Secondly, Elizabeth paid me more than she paid me. You’re good.”

“Uh, maybe thirdly you’re loyal to Maura?” she asked.

He grinned.

“I can’t stand the bitch.”

She laughed.

How could she not?

Jagger was amused too.

They knew that was anything but the truth. Once a Marine, always a Marine.

“He’s kidding,” Jagger reassured Merry. “Lewis happens to be honorable. He’s playing with you. That’s his thing. Up close mind games.”

He winked at Maura.
