Page 280 of Abduction

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“I like how you guys think I was the ONLY one thinking about this as a way to get Artemis. For the record, your Major taught me how to think like I do. I’m the way I am because of HER.”

Maura owned it.


She’d used four of their family as bait to get Chevy, and that hadn’t gone over well.

“They expect it from me.”

That they did.

“Get us the information,” Maura stated, as Merry was hooking everything up to the tablet, and then to the screen. They were going around the system that way.

As soon as she did, porn started playing.

Zayn stuck his head in.

“If it’s clowns and a little car where some red nosed weirdo is banging the strong lady, that’s Jagger’s collection. He watches it at night when the Major won’t let him stick his little soldier in her.”

Someone threw a pillow at him as he amused himself, and it hit him in the side of the head.

“Shut it, Zayn,” Jagger said. “Asshole.”

Merry apologized.

“Uh, sorry. His phone is a funfest. I think I cleared the cache and found the location. There’s only one place other than where it looks like he was when the Snakes caught him.”

She pulled it up.

Merry pointed.

“There’s one place, forty five minutes outside the city. It’s deep into the bayou.”

Well, since no one believed in coincidences…

“Compare the addresses. Get the GPS locations to see if they match up,” Maura stated.

When she did, the system beeped. That hadn’t taken long at all.

“You have a match,” MATE said.

Well, that had to be the place. That meant that they had to get there, look around, and figure out what the hell was going on there.

Was this a trap?

Or had they just gotten damn lucky?

That seemed to be the theme for them.

“What’s around it?” Maura asked.

Merry zoomed out, and she showed them.

“There is swamp, more swamp, and nothing but mosquitos and Zika. It sounds like a fun time with all the snakes, spiders, and gators.”

Then, she stopped.

“Out of curiosity, there are Snakes who work for the military, and Spiders who work for the CIA. What else is there?”
