Page 292 of Abduction

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Maura stopped.


“It’s CIA coding. Someone by the initials of R.B. was ambushed. Then, it says C.W was with R.B.”

She looked over at Jagger.

“This arrow is saying that if they escape, they are going due West.”

Oh, boy.

That might explain why Remington hadn’t called in and wasn’t answering his phone. Maybe he wasn’t having sex.

Maybe he was fighting for his life.

She hit the communication button on her vest.


His voice came over the com. They’d been watching the family as they were hitting the site in case they needed backup.


“I need you and Rogue to be VERY careful, and head to The Underground. Find Remington. Before you go, ping his phone.”

They could hear Merry typing.

It was hella suspicious that the man didn’t answer his phone or call them back earlier, but they’d just figured he was babysitting Calyx or off having sex.

Now, they knew differently—or suspected.

Then, she told them what she found.

“It’s at The Underground. The tracker in his phone is live. Only, it’s not inside. It’s in the alley behind the building.”

That didn’t sound good.

“When is the last time it moved?”

She ran the records.

“Four hours ago it went from inside to outside, and hasn’t moved since.”




She was pretty sure Artemis had gotten the jump on him. They’d assumed he’d be safe since he and Artemis had a love hate relationship, and she wasn’t gunning for the CIA.

Only, it looked like she was wrong.

She was gunning for any collateral.

“Head there with Rogue, check the place. I think we have a problem. R.B. is likely Remington. He’s leaving us breadcrumbs.”

