Page 322 of Abduction

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“I think I will. I’m tired, Karen. I need to rest. I think I’ve been shot. I don’t know where I am. Don’t let me die. I need to live for Calyx and my new family. I need to fight for them.”

Yes, yes, he did.

“She’ll take care of you. Help is coming. Jagger and Maura will be here soon. Fight, Remmy. Fight for the rest of your life.”

He laid down, and she covered him up.

“I will,” he whispered. “I don’t want to be angry anymore. I want to be in love. I want to feel peace. I have to let the rage go. I lost ten years because of it.”

She kissed him on the lips, and he kissed her back.

“Goodbye, Karen. I’ll always love you and our child. Keep her safe, and tell her that daddy loves her.”

She touched his cheek.

“Goodbye, Remmy. We’ll see you again one day.”

When his breathing regulated, she rubbed the tears from her eyes.

Calyx didn’t know what that kind of love felt like, but she knew this was her second chance in life.


As he started shaking, she got a fire going, again, and then checked his clothes.

They were dry.

Heading over to him, she pulled on his socks, his boxers, and then his jeans.

When she went to start putting his shirt on him, he opened his eyes.

“We need to get you dressed. Jagger and Maura got the text. They’re on their way here to get to us, Remmy. There are no pain meds in the cabin. I don’t have anything for you for your fever.”

He moaned in pain.

“Calyx, I don’t feel so well.”

She put his shirt on him, and then his hoodie.

Then, she bundled him up in a blanket and made him some more soup.

Calyx took care of Remington as she fed him.

They were getting out of there.

And if she ever saw Artemis Dubois face-to-face, she was going to cut a bitch.


* * * H U N T E R S * * *

Chartres Street

LATE Evening


The other half of the team was burning the midnight oil, and that was because they still had part of their team out trying to find Remmy.
