Page 331 of Abduction

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She hoped when she was older, she didn’t get dementia. It was a horrible disease.

“Who is my daughter?” she asked.

Axelle knew they had to hustle. She had to get this woman to Elizabeth by daybreak, and they had a drive back to the airport, to fly into DC, and then fly to NOLA.

“It’ll be okay, Ms. Dubois. We’re going to go see your daughter. Do you want to see Artemis?” she asked.

She held up a picture on her phone.

The woman smiled.

“Yes! I want to see her. She’s such a nice lady. She visits me on occasion and brings me chocolates.”

Axelle felt bad for her.

“I have chocolates on the plane. Let’s go,” she said, waving at the nurses as she walked beside the wheelchair as the nursing home security escorted them out.

Outside, the limo door opened, and she helped the woman in.

She settled into the seat and the door was closed.

Somehow, they managed to pull this off.

“Ready?” she asked Gabby, knowing the woman had to delete that order.

She nodded.

With a push of a button, the file was redone, and all the information was changed.

As she sat there, her phone chimed.

Gabby pulled it out.

And laughed.

“The nurse just texted.”

She showed her boss.

‘Your mother is on the way, and we are notifying you because that was what you always told us to do if anyone other than you showed up to see your mother. Is this okay?’

Axelle grinned.

Oh, Artemis was smart, but…not that smart.

Gabby rattled off a message, enjoying playing this kind of spy-like game.

‘Yes, I’m aware. Thank you for alerting me, but I’m in some serious danger, and I’m worried about her. Don’t be concerned. My friends at the FBI are just having her moved temporarily. She’ll be back soon enough.’

And that was it.

As they drove away, the older woman looking out the window, Axelle dug a candy bar from her bag. She carried them because Elizabeth got hangry.

A lot.

She gave it to the woman, and then pulled out her own phone.
