Page 332 of Abduction

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Rattling off a text, she hit send.

‘We have Artemis’ mother. Do your thing. We’re on our way. Let’s put this bitch in her place.’

Oh, and Elizabeth and Axelle were going to make sure of that.

This was a long time coming.


Chapter Twenty-One


Early Morning

Just After Midnight

The Bayou

T here was nothing like a rousing game of hide-and-seek in the swamp. The last thing anyone should sign up for was to play with some Marines in their own element. Maura and Jagger had spent plenty of time in the swamps.

In forests.

In Jungles.

In deserts.

To come at them here…well, that was a huge-ass mistake that they wouldn’t live to tell about. Marines liked games, and this was the kind they excelled at.

As they divided up, it was time to handle the men heading through the swamp and toward Remington’s location.

They had to have come back right after they entered the swamp because there were only minutes between them.

The Marines were watching, and the mercenaries…they were looking out for things like snakes and gators.

Not killers.

That would be what got them killed.

“We’d better be getting extra money for this,” the one mercenary said.

“Well, maybe if the three guys who were supposed to transport the man and woman didn’t fuck it up, we’d be at home where it was warm and dry and not full of snakes,” he said, shooting one that hung in the tree.

The other guy shrugged.

“We don’t question her,” he said. “All she wanted us to do was follow the blood droplets. She thinks that the guy ambushed them and snuck himself and the woman into the swamp to escape.”

“So where is the truck?” the other guy asked. “Or the bodies?”

The man shrugged.

“How the fuck should I know? I am just here trying to make some money.”

Wasn’t that the truth?

They were all just raking it in, and that’s all that mattered.

When there was a whistle, they all stopped.
