Page 333 of Abduction

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“What was that?” the one man who had jumped the two people at the bar asked, looking around.

While he wanted to get paid, he wasn’t enjoying this. Weird shit happened in these waters, and they knew it.

“I don’t like that,” the bigger man said.

What they didn’t know was that it was the Marines, communicating.

That one whistle told them to begin the assault on them. The Marines almost felt bad for them.

As the mercenary on the edge of the group looked around, it was when he was pulled suddenly under the water, that they all panicked.

“What the fuck?” the man said as the body floated up, and the mercenary’s throat had been cut so deep, it nearly took his head off.

The other five began backing up from the body, and that was possibly the worst thing that they could possibly do.

That gave the hidden Marines the best opportunity to strike.

Maura knew that Jagger had been the one who took out the first Marine, so she went for the second one, pulling him down into the water and stabbing him in the chest.

She pulled out her knife and let him go.

He too floated up, gasping for breath as he took his final one.

That was two down.

Reaper was next. From where he was tucked away, he fired off a shot with his silenced gun, taking down one of the men with a headshot.

He sank into the water, his blood spilling out from his body.

That scared the fuck out of the last three people. The minute the man went under, they began trying to escape. Only, that wasn’t happening.

One headed right toward where Jagger was hiding, and he popped up, stabbed him in the heart, and then went back under the water, before the other two men knew what had happened.

“Oh, God. Something is in the water,” one of the last two men whispered.

Oh, they had no idea.

There were four of them and three were close by.

As the men tried to escape, Maura was nearby, under water. She sliced the man’s artery in his thigh as he tried to slip past her. Then, she popped up, grabbed his gun, and punched him in the face.

He went down.

As the other guy spun, he didn’t have time to pull his gun. Wolf dropped from the tree above and took him under the water, holding him under.

He fought, and the whole time, Wolf didn’t let him up for air.

If anything, he let him suffer.

Play stupid games.

Win horrible prizes.

When he finally stopped moving, Wolf set him free. The Marines regrouped.

“We have to haul ass,” Maura said, seeing eyes all over the place. “We’ve just chummed the water,” she admitted.

That they did.
