Page 334 of Abduction

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It was time to hustle.

As they moved away, they heard the screams of the only man who hadn’t died yet. He was bleeding out and had become a snack.


What a way to go.

It appeared he wasn’t getting his payday.

Not today.

Not tomorrow.

Not ever.


She loved that for him.

* * * H U N T E R S * * *


Same Time

After Twelve

Because he was paranoid, and didn’t chill out as well as some of the family, Zayn liked to walk the house.

He called it patrol.

It calmed him.

With the family all in the living room, he was making sure everyone stayed safe.

He didn’t like that MATE had almost been breached. That was all kinds of freaky to him.

As he was standing in the kitchen, he heard Merry gasp from the living room.

“The gate alarm just beeped. Someone is trying to access the house,” she shouted, getting his attention.

Zayn came running in.

This was bad.

“Everyone get to Maura and Jagger’s residence. Dakota and Boone, go get Gamble, and move him. If you have to carry him, do it! Get him to the other house and safe.”

Dakota and Boone headed out to do just that. There was very little time to get it done.

All around them, the family hustled.

Merry and Stella grabbed their things, and ran for the hidden access.

Because they knew they were the first line of defense, now that the security had been breached, Eve and Jinx pulled on body armor, and joined Zayn.

They were going to have to handle this.

“They aren’t in yet,” Zayn said. “We need to cut them off.”
