Page 340 of Abduction

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“I have a problem with that statement. I care a whole lot if you’re in danger, Elizabeth Renee LaRue Blackhawk.”

Gene just watched it go down.

“I know, Handsome.”

He took her hand.

“How much did they get?” he asked.

She was honest.

“Merry called me, and I was able to shut down the system, using the kill switch. I already texted Chris. He’s going to have his R and D division revamp it. We have the ISP addy from the hacker.”

“Where?” he asked. “Because I will get my ass on a plane and make someone bleed,” he admitted. “No one fucks around and tries to hurt my wife.”

While she appreciated it, she was good.


“It came from the Eisenhower building.”

“The CIA,” he said, angrily. “I will gut Bob and leave him dead in a ditch,” he stated.

Gene agreed.

“I’m in.”

She stopped them.

“No one is killing anyone, and that’s ironic since I kill a lot of people when I’m here.”

“Why are you calm?” Ethan asked.

Oh, there was a reason.

“Well, if Artemis calling out the dogs on me wasn’t bad enough,” she said, pulling up the pictures on her laptop, “look what the team found.”

She showed them the room with the bed.

Ethan and Gene sat side by side and reverted back to the days when they’d been partners.

Elizabeth watched them work, and they were seamless. Yeah, someone worked well with the man, and she didn’t doubt that Ethan enjoyed it.

Since Gene got to the hotel, they’d been almost like a team, moving in tandem.

It was clear they’d lived together.

Gene blinked and pointed.

“Uh, that’s ominous. That bed with the arm and leg cuffs doesn’t make me feel all good about what she was planning on doing, and I say that even though I like being tied to a bed.”

She actually laughed.


Ethan just shook his head. It was surreal having his wife and his ex having so much in common. He was well aware that when his wife entered the spare room, she saw the intimate cuddling with Gene’s hand on his abs and millimeters from his dick.

Elizabeth shared the back story.
