Page 341 of Abduction

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“We’ve pieced this together. I need to talk it out.”

Ethan knew this was her thing.

“I’m listening.”

She shared.

“Artemis was involved with hunting down El Gato. After we found him, and I passed off the intel, Roger Blackthorne got out, we got out, but Remington stayed behind to make sure that the situation was under control. He was based out of Columbia for a few years after the operation.”

Gene listened.

“By then, he’d met Karen, had Kelsy, and started a life. A few times a month, he’d come home, he’d take some breaks, and he’d stay with his family. He was happy being a dad.”

They waited.

“Long story short, five years later, he’s back in Columbia doing what Remmy did best—CIA reindeer games for the US. Think cartels, DEA, and the likes of Pablo Escobar shit. The CIA was playing both sides to stabilize Columbia for our benefit.”

Ethan was not sure where this is going.

“What are you saying?” he asked.

She pulled a file out of her bag and paused. She didn’t look at her husband.

Instead, she was focused on the other man.

“Gene, swear on Ethan’s life that you’ll never say shit about what you’re about to see and hear. Gabe talked to Ax, and he sent me this file.”

He didn’t hesitate.

“Absolutely. I can be trusted. I wouldn’t burn you, Elizabeth, and I certainly wouldn’t burn him.”

She believed him.

Elizabeth knew how much he loved Ethan.

In her hand, she had an FBI file that Gabe had constructed to prove what had gone on there.

They covered their bases after the Director of the FBI ate his gun in his office.

In The District, it was eat or be eaten.

“Long story short, while she was on the ground, Artemis called her handler in the CIA and asked for help. She specifically asked for Remington to be called in.”

They waited.

“What she didn’t know was that I had just worked with Remington previously and the FBI was watching him. He burned me on an op while I was hunting a Clarkson sibling. I didn’t know he was in and out of Columbia, but Gabe kept tabs on him because he wanted to make sure he was in the loop.”

Ethan let that sink in.

Then, he got it.


Gene didn’t understand.

“What am I missing?” he asked.

She explained.
