Page 343 of Abduction

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“She has an inside person. It’s no coincidence that tonight, someone tried to breech MATE.”

Ethan’s blood pressure went back up again.

“I’m her next target, and we all know that MATE knows everything about our family. Artemis is going to come for me and Axelle.”

Ethan went even redder.

“Like I said, no one comes for my wife. She’s off limits to everyone. I will tolerate a lot, but no one comes at my wife and children.”

Gene ran his hand down the man’s arm.

“I’ll protect your family,” he said, “because they’re my family too.”

Ethan leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for that.”

Gene didn’t mind.

Elizabeth was tapping her fingers on the arm of the couch.

“I know I need proof, but how’s this for it. I was doing some digging, and there is NOTHING to be found at the CIA on Artemis or El Gato. I have Gabe’s security clearance, and can access anything. I mean everything. It’s all gone. All the files, and everything about El Gato and those missions. It’s been wiped. The minute I access it, looking, a counterattack happens to MATE.”

This was bad.

“Then, Zayn messaged me. Someone tried to access the compound. Someone has sold me out. The CIA is on the ground in NOLA, and they seem to want a certain Russian to land here.”

Ethan didn’t like this at all.

“With the CIA, we’ll never find out who. They are tight lipped, and hate the FBI.”

She was aware.

“Only, I have a plan. Or I did.”

They waited.

“What about personnel records. You know the boring-ass shit the HR department has.”

Ethan thought about it.

“They only keep the basics like the person’s life insurance, banking, and…”

Ethan paused.

That’s when he knew what his wife was thinking.

“They also have who an agent is assigned to work under.”

And there it was.

“BINGO, Profiler. You’re smart. I knew you’d catch on,” she said.

He laughed.

“Your faith in me…”

Elizabeth hit a button, and printed out an encrypted and safe email that her hacker sent her.
