Page 344 of Abduction

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Hiring Gabby…

It was the best decision of her life.

Gene was vested in this.

He leaned forward, dying to know.

“Okay, and?” Gene asked. “The suspense is KILLING me. What did you find?”

“So I go into personnel records, and I find my proof that Artemis is getting intel from someone.”

“Who?” Ethan asked.

She smiled.

“The Director of the CIA, and the same asshole who slowed down help to me in Columbia, and who personally sent Remington in.”

They sat there.

“She didn’t want Remington as collateral. That was Merry and Boone. She wanted to torture him, have sex with him, destroy him, and eliminate any loose ends. Remington could tell us who sent him in. He would know who her handler was because they had the same one.”

Ethan stared at her.

“Jesus. If he’s dirty, and doing business here in the US, we all know what’s going to happen.”

Gene nodded.

“The shit will be hitting the fan. Congress will lose it. The CIA is NOT allowed to operate on homeland soil.”

They were aware.

“We’re wondering how she got the CIA files, and why this guy has made me jump through hoops, but I’m willing to bet that someone has some dirty secrets he’s trying to keep quiet. Want to bet that good old Bob, good old married Bob, fucked his agent?”

Gene laughed.

“Men can’t keep it in their pants,” he said. “It’s the same thing that gets them caught every single time. Titters.”

She laughed and gave him a fist bump.

“Amen. I know that Axelle told me she’d slept with some people to get intel overseas, and the CIA doesn’t hire gorgeous women for just bookkeeping. I don’t judge by the cover but come on. She lured him in, and used her CIA training on him before he was a director. Then, he became one and BOOM!”

Ethan just shook his head and leaned back.

“If he’s involved…”

She was aware.

“We don’t know what has been compromised. Now, MATE was just attempted to be hacked, and how many people know about it?”

Ethan was hesitant.

“It’s un-hackable, Lyzee,” he said. “Chris’ company created it to be that.”

Well, then, they had an issue.

“Someone did just that. That means they had to have access to one of the tablets. A terminal. Something. That’s FBI tech, and your baby. MATE is mine, and I’m here causing problems. It came out of Eisenhower, so how much do you want to bet they went through our tech department afterhours?”

Oh, no bet.
