Page 346 of Abduction

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* * * H U N T E R S * * *

Three A.M.

Tuesday Morning


The ex-CIA agent was resting on the couch as Calyx tried to soothe his fever. It was getting more difficult to keep the fever from getting too high.

What they needed was some help, and soon.

“Please,” she whispered, praying. “Help him. I don’t want him to die,” she said, touching his flesh and feeling how warm he was.

Calyx wasn’t a person who relied on prayer a whole lot, but for this man, she’d do just that.

She wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle that spike in temperature.

On top of that, Remington was moaning in pain from the bullet wound to his side.

When she heard a thump, she grabbed one of the guns, put her body in front of Remington, and watched the door.

At the window not far away, she heard a tapping. When she turned her head, she saw a familiar face.

“Mikey!” she said, lowering her gun.

That was when the door opened, and in the doorway, Maura was standing there.

They were all a swampy mess.

“God! Thank you!” she said.

Maura entered with three men behind her.

“Are you okay?” she asked the woman, concerned for her and Remington.

She nodded, but the tears came.

“He’s getting worse,” she admitted. “I cleaned his gunshot wounds, and I stitched him up, but he’s got a fever. I think the infection from the water is going to kill him.”

Maura pulled a waterproof kit from inside her gear, and pulled out some pills. She headed toward Remmy, and touched his shoulder.

When he opened his eyes, she could see that he was struggling.

“These will help bring your fever down,” she said. “We’re going to have to carry you out, Remmy. I need you to take these.”

He opened his mouth.

When he dry swallowed them, Maura focused on Calyx.

“Thank you for taking care of him. You’re going to have to walk out. I’m sorry. We have to carry him.”

She tucked the gun into the back of her pants.

“I’m good. Let’s go. I want to get him to the hospital as soon as possible.”

The one man moved forward.

“Ma’am, do you have any more blankets in here?” he asked.
