Page 347 of Abduction

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Due to his sheer size, she backed up.

Maura reassured her.

“That’s Wolf. He’s our friend. The other man is Reaper. You’re good. They won’t hurt you. They’re Marines.”

She seemed to relax, knowing that Remington trusted them.

“The only ones I could find are wrapped around him. He’s shaking.”

Jagger was hovering over him.

“He’s lost some blood. We need to get him out, and then to a hospital.”

Wolf took one of his blankets, and pulled zip ties from his pouch.

He then grabbed two brooms, broke off the brush part, and made a cot to carry him out.

It took under five minutes.

Remington moaned when he was jostled, and a blanket was removed.

“Yeah, he’s in bad shape,” Maura said, but they’d seen worse. She and her team once carried one of their Marines out of the jungle. It took them three days, but they got him out.

“We can make it, right?” she asked.

Oh, failure was not an option.

She clued her in.

“Artemis sent men in for him. We took care of them. We bought ourselves time. By now, we have to assume that she is aware that we robbed her gun stash, and we’re onto her.”

Reaper and Wolf pointed.

“We gotta book it. If you want to be out by dawn, we have to hustle. He’s going to slow us down by carrying him.”

Maura didn’t care.

“He’s our brother. We carry him and we give him fucking blood if he needs it.”

They got it.

It wasn’t negotiable.

The two men helped Remington up. They walked him to the decking, and hopped down into the water. Carefully, Maura helped Remington lie on the cot-like creation.

He stared at her.

“I don’t want to die.”

She patted his cheek.

“We got you, Remmy. Jagger and I aren’t letting you die. You lay still, close your eyes, and let us carry you out.”

Jagger found some life jackets.

“We’ll shove these under the cot to keep his head above water.”

Calyx jumped into the water, and she took her spot at his side.
