Page 366 of Abduction

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“Not my concern. She’s not going to jail. She’ll escape, and then none of us are safe. She’ll destroy lives.”

That was the truth.

She glanced over at Gabby.

“Again, what happens in New Orleans…”

Gabby got it.

Shit like this…

It stayed here.

* * * H U N T E R S * * *

One Hour Later

Prep Time

After calling the hospital room, and making sure that Calyx and Remington were still safe, the team got ready to end this once and for all.

They seemed to do that showdown a lot in NOLA.

El Gato.


Oh, and the countless others who tested their patience by coming to the city to raise hell.

Now, they were in place.

While Elizabeth had used CIA tech to sashay herself and Artemis’ mother into the building, the Marines were in their gear, playing games of their own.

“Do we know that she’ll make an attempt for us?” Zayn asked over his com.

“Oh, she will. Elizabeth texted her the location when she arrived here, so by now, she’s panicked, called every Mercenary she knows, and is trying to overwhelm us. Just keep your eyes open.”

They heard the com click on.

Eve was in a tree, much to her husband’s horror.

“We have a vehicle approaching. It’s emptying out, and we have six men getting out. The driver has to be Artemis. Elizabeth, do you copy?”

Her voice came over the com.

“Let her in. She’s in more danger in here with me, than I am with her.”

God, but that was the truth.

For a non-spook, she played the game like a CIA operative.

“You heard the boss earlier,” Jinx said. “No one gets through but Artemis.”

Maura had said that.

“Let’s show the mercenaries that Marines are just as deadly in the daylight.”

Oh, and they did.
