Page 377 of Abduction

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Elizabeth continued.

“See, when he went after Roger Blackthorn, he blatantly took him down. He had him blown up for helping us in Columbia.”

Remington listened.

“How did he know the man helped? There were only a few people who knew he was there.”

“I didn’t betray him.”

She patted his arm.

“I know.”

Remington was wary.

She was hesitating, as if she was trying to decide whether or not to tell him.

“Then, he went after your family. Something about that was off. Why weren’t you betrayed personally, and I don’t mean your family? El Gato took shots at people who betrayed him. Yet, he went after your family. Why?”

Tears filled his eyes.

“I ask myself that all of the time. I wish they did take me instead.”

She understood.

“The reason you weren’t was because someone wanted you alive to suffer. You were betrayed by another CIA agent.”

She tapped the file.

“You were dosed with Addiction, two days in a row. A lot the first day, and that’s why you had sex with Artemis. The second day, not as much. She got the drugs from El Gato because after the compound blew, she knew he survived. She hired the guerillas to protect him, so she could make a shit ton of money. And she did.”

He blinked.

Only, he wasn’t sure where this was going.

“The first night, she went through your things and phone. She wanted something she could give El Gato. She wanted you to live because she wanted you.”

He was taking all of this in. As he did, Elizabeth walked around the counter. She slipped her hand into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet.

He was still confused.

Then, she pulled out a picture. It was the picture that Jinx mentioned to her.

Elizabeth put it on the counter and pointed.

Behind his wife and daughter, there was a sign.

For the fair.

“She went through your wallet, saw this picture, and knew what town your family was in. She found out and then told El Gato, who easily found them.”

He closed his eyes.

It had been his fault they’d died.

“She didn’t find out during the sex because you were so far gone in the addiction, that you weren’t able to even give up anything.”

“She drugged me with lipstick.”
