Page 39 of Abduction

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“Seriously. How closely does she resemble your wife?” Zayn asked.

Remington pulled out his wallet, and he wasn’t sure why he was asking for help, but all night, he’d sat on that roof and all he wanted was to go into her bedroom, sink into her, and feel something.


He was tired of peeping.

Remington wanted something of his own. He needed to see if his family, because that was what they were, believed he could hold up under this.

Was he willing to let Karen and Kelsy go?


But he was willing to open up for the chance that someone might find him redeemable.

He pushed the picture toward Zayn, and when he picked it up, he blinked.

“Holy shit. She looks just like her.”

He laughed.

“See what has me all fucked up?” he asked, eating more of his muffin. “If she gets hurt again…”

Jinx headed his way and leaned her head on his shoulder as he sat at the island.

“Remmy, here’s a news flash for you. She worked the streets. She’s tough. I wouldn’t discount Calyx in a fight. She was born into a world where she had to fight for everything. She’d cut a bitch.”

He patted her hand that was on his arm.

Remington had a special connection with Jinx. Over the last few weeks, she’d snuck out of her house with Rogue and found him on the rooftop.

She’d brought him food, a blanket, and sat with him. He’d even taken a nap, and she sat watching over Calyx. They’d bonded.

The woman was special to him.

If he had a sister, he imagined she’d be just like Jinx. Sweet, gentle, and a good soul.

The irony wasn’t lost on him that she was also a ferocious killer.

“You’re probably right, Honey,” he said.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“I know I am.”

“Oh, some man is kissing on your wife,” Zayn said, trying to annoy Rogue, who was sipping his own coffee and not looking the least bit worried.

“A jealous man is a weak man, Grasshopper. Maybe you should ask why you think my wife would do anything to hurt me. I know her.”

Zayn sighed.

“Well, my week is shit. I can’t even frazzle the playboy. He finally figured out how to annoy me.”

Jinx laughed.

Then, she let Maura handle it.

She was the mom of the group.
