Page 40 of Abduction

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“Jinx is right. Calyx is strong. She won’t break. I’d also like to point out that she’s the owner of The Underground. That’s a dangerous gig, and she’s handling it. Karen, bless her soul, was a mom. While moms can be dangerous, Calyx is hyper-aware of danger around her.”

She had a point.

“I guess you guys are right. I just can’t do it again.”

Merry was sitting beside him. She patted his hand in reassurance.

“Does she know you need to move slowly?”

He nodded.

“Then, trust her. Are you only attracted to her because she looks like your wife?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“She’s funny, kind, and patient. I need that last trait more than anything. I’m not easy.”

“You’re not difficult either,” Maura said. “You’re healing.”

He was honest.

“I just wish I protected Karen better. I thought I did a good job. Because of me, she and Kelsy suffered, and I’m struggling with that.”

Jagger was honest.

“Rem, El Gato had people all over. It’s not on you. It’s on him, and you killed him. You’ve gotten your revenge. Maybe the best way to get past this, and give him the big fuck you, is to live. You don’t have to marry the woman. You can just have a good time.”

ALL THE WIVES stared at him.

“What?” he asked, laughing. “It’s not nineteen fifteen, June Cleavers.”

Zayn shook his head.

“You do kinda look like a beaver.”

Jagger whipped a muffin at him, and it hit Zayn in the chest, exploding everywhere.

“What are you? Ten? Throw better you pussy.”

He laughed.

“Rem, stop being worried you’ll get her hurt. Hell! She might hate the sex and tell you to bug off.”

Remington laughed.

“You suck at this. The women are better.”

Maura didn’t argue that.

“We’re aware. It took him years to finally make a move on me. Don’t listen to him.”

Jagger stared at her.

“Uh, Columbia, workout room, I asked you out for a beer, and you turned me down.”

She shrugged.

“Had you showed up at my place, we would have had more than beer. You didn’t persist. Women like men who follow through.”
