Page 38 of Abduction

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At first, she didn’t know if he was going to go there, but shockingly, he did.


“What about her?” Maura asked as everyone stayed quiet.

They all knew he was twitchy and would bolt if pressured, and they didn’t need that.

“Can I just vent?” he asked, looking around.

When Zayn opened his mouth, Stella kicked him in the shin, shutting him up.

“Don’t you ruin this!” she whispered.

Remington actually laughed.

“I can’t believe I’m about to do this, but I need help. Someone talk me out of sex.”

NO ONE said a word.

He looked at Jinx.




Even Jagger was looking around the room as if he was hunting for something.

“Point made.”

Maura was impressed that he was reaching out to the family. He was here to heal, but he’d fought it.

“Can I be honest?” Maura asked.

He nodded, as he sipped his coffee.

“She’s good for you. We’re all seeing it from the outside, but we notice how you change when you’re around her. You’re calmer, and she lights up a room. Maybe you’re supposed to have sex with her.”

He grabbed a muffin from the counter and slowly peeled the wrapper off.

Jagger believed he was done talking.


They’d been so close.

“What if she gets hurt?” he asked, before taking a bite out of the muffin. “I can’t see another person I love hurt—especially since she looks like Karen.”

“How much does she look like her?” Zayn asked, taking another hit to the shin. “My sweet Stella, I’m going to call that pregnancy hormones and tell you to eat something before I spank you.”

She laughed.

And then kicked him again.

“What? You offered.”

He kissed her on the tip of the nose.
